英语听力汇总   |   高剂量的抗生素可能促进细菌繁殖





Higher doses of antibiotics may boost bacteria: study


Using higher doses of antibiotics in a bid to tackle the growing problem of drug resistance may end up strengthening certain bacteria, according to research released yesterday that highlights a previously unthought-of risk.


Antimicrobial resistance has been labeled by the United Nations as “one of the greatest threats we face as a global community” and is predicted to kill 10 million annually by 2050.


Previous research has shown inflicting higher antibiotic doses on bacteria can slow its ability to develop resistance, yet little attention has been paid to how those higher doses impact the overall health of microbes.


A team of Britain- and Europe-based researchers looked at how populations of E. coli reacted to varying concentrations of three common antibiotics.


They found that while higher antibiotic doses slowed the rate at which the bacteria developed resistance, they also gave rise to bacteria with “higher overall fitness” — meaning it had a higher rate of reproduction.


“We consider growth rate as a proxy for fitness, under the assumption that a strain that grows faster is more likely to take over the population and become dominant,” said lead author Mato Lagator, from the University of Manchester’s School of Biological Sciences.

来自曼彻斯特大学生物科学学院的主要作者马托·拉加特说: “我们认为生长速度是健康的一个代表,前提是生长更快的菌株更有可能接管种群并占据主导。”。

The team behind the research, published in the journal Royal Society Biology Letters, said it showed how higher antibiotic doses presented a “dilemma” and could result in ultimately more-resistant bacteria.

这项研究发表在《皇家学会生物学快报》(Royal Society Biology Letters)上。研究团队表示,研究显示,高剂量的抗生素是一个“两难”的选择,并最终导致耐药性更强的细菌产生。

“Considering the fitness of the evolved strains adds another dimension to the problem of optimal antibiotic dosing.”


Several studies have warned of the risks of antibiotic over-prescription and over-use in livestock rearing, with the US Center for Disease Control estimating that one in three prescriptions for antibiotics are unnecessary.

美国疾病控制中心(US Center for Disease Control)估计,三分之一的抗生素处方没有必要。