英语听力汇总   |   内分泌专家给糖尿病患者的5个建议





5 Endocrinologist Tips for People With Diabetes


If you have type 2 diabetes, it means your body isn’t using insulin the way it should. Insulin is a hormone made in the pancreas that helps move sugar from your blood to your muscles and other cells so they have enough energy to function. With type 2 diabetes, though, you need more insulin than usual to do this task.


That means your pancreas has to do more work. It’s basically like it’s running on a treadmill trying to keep up. When doctors treat type 2 diabetes, we prescribe medications to patients with the goal of helping the pancreas do its job as well as possible for as long as possible.



We tell patients to cut down on sugar intake, so the pancreas doesn’t have as much work to do, we give medications that help insulin work more effectively and we also often prescribe insulin to help do some of the pancreas’ job for it.


There are different types of insulin; some is taken with meals, some is taken just once a day, and some is taken a few times a day. Your doctor will work with you to determine the best fit for you.


Controlling diabetes means committing to a healthier overall lifestyle, as well as taking medication regularly, so I always share the following with my patients to keep them on track:


1. Understand what you’re putting into your body.


It’s so important that patients know what foods they can eat without raising their blood sugar levels. Many of my patients don’t realize fruit can be problematic with type 2 diabetes. Most patients think fruit is really healthy, and it is, but too much fruit can make your blood sugar levels very high because they’re full of natural sugar. A couple pieces of fruit each day is healthy for patients with diabetes, but it’s important to eat fruit, like everything, in moderation.


2. Understand that diabetes is a lifelong disease.


When you’re diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you’re going to be managing it for the rest of your life. That can really overwhelm patients, and they often think they need to completely change their lives immediately. But to make permanent change, you’ve got to be realistic about what you’re capable of. Patients are often more successful when they make small changes, little by little, that they’ll be able to sustain for the rest of their lives. Try one new thing at a time and take advantage of your provider’s guidance and ask for help from nurses and certified diabetes educators.


3. It’s so important to find the right doctor.


Because diabetes is a lifelong disease, it means you’ll be working with your diabetes doctor for many years to come. Find a provider who listens and understands the realistic barriers you face. Every patient with diabetes is different, with different sets of challenges. If you trust your provider and develop a strong relationship with him or her, you’re going to get better care and guidance, which will result in better management of the disease.


4. Be honest with your doctor.


Once you find the right doctor, it’s so important to be honest with him or her. Don’t be afraid to tell your doctor what is and isn’t working for you, and always ask what you can do differently if your blood sugar levels aren’t ideal. When you give your provider accurate information, that allows him or her to better care for you—you might need more or different medications, or you might be eating or drinking something you are not aware raises your blood sugar so much. Don’t just blame yourself if you’re not getting your blood sugar in check; work with your doctor to get things under control.


5. Don’t give up.


I think my biggest tip for both patients and caregivers would be to never give up. There is a recipe out there for every single patient, and it’s a combination of lifestyle changes and medication. If something isn’t effective, keep trying to find the recipe that works for you. You may have a lot to learn along the way, but you will get there—it can be done. I emphasize to patients that hitting one bump in the road doesn’t mean their journey is over and impossible. It just means we need to try something else.
