英语听力汇总   |   研究表明,怀孕期间任何程度的饮酒或吸烟都可能影响新生儿的大脑发育





Any level of drinking or smoking while pregnant may affect your newborn's brain development, study says


If you're stressed or wanting to enjoy virtual happy hour with friends while pregnant, having a glass of wine every so often may seem like a relaxing plan.


But that behavior runs counter to a study published Tuesday in the journal JAMA Network Open.



Researchers found drinking or smoking of any level while pregnant— from low to high, and even if you quit early — influenced the brain development of the mothers' newborns.


Negative long-term effects of excessive prenatal alcohol or tobacco exposure (or both), increasethe risk for multiple adverse outcomes, researchers observed.


However, public health hasn't yet determined a safe level of alcohol or tobacco use during pregnancy, the study said. So the authors examined the link between prenatal exposure to alcohol and tobacco smoking and brain activity in newborns.


They didn't find a safe, conclusive level, but the findings suggested drinking or smoking in early stages andthen quitting, or doing so at low, moderate or high levels all impacted newborn brain development.


Effects of alcohol and tobacco on brain activity


Participants were 1.739 newborns enrolled in the Safe Passage Study, a large multidisciplinary study investigating the association between prenatal alcohol exposure, sudden infant death syndrome and stillbirth.


The Safe Passage Study also determined how they're affected by environmental and lifestyle factors. The Safe Passage Study has concluded, but the current article is a follow up of the newborns included.


Their mothers were recruited from 2011 through 2015 from clinical sites in Cape Town, South Africa, and the Northern Plains region of the United States.


Mothers who took psychiatric medication were excluded from the current study.


Details regarding prenatal alcohol exposure were collected using a 30-day Timeline Followback Interview, in which women self-reported their daily alcohol consumption on their last drinking day and 30 days prior, up to four times during pregnancy. They also recorded whether they shared a drink with someone, the type and brand of alcohol, container size and how long they drank per instance.


Information for prenatal tobacco exposure was also gathered up to four times during pregnancy. They also indicated how often, and the number of tobacco cigarettes, they smoked on an average smoking day.


On 12 regions on the newborns' scalps, researchers conducted an electroencephalogram, or EEG, while they were sleeping.


An EEG is a noninvasive test of brain function and activity reflecting electrical activity in the brain'scortex.


Infants whose moms smoked at moderate levels anytime during pregnancy, smoked at high levels anytime during pregnancy had decreased activity in the right-central area of their brains, compared with newborns who weren't exposed to tobacco while in the womb.
