英语听力汇总   |   “恐龙洞穴”揭示恐龙蹲伏行走





‘Dino Cave’ reveals dinosaur crouch walkers


Old photos from Mount Morgan’s sealed off ‘Dino Cave’ have shed light onto new and unusual Aussie dinosaur behaviours, thanks to University of Queensland research.


For a decade, a Mount Morgan cave in central Queensland known for the highest dinosaur track diversity on the entire eastern half of Australia has been closed to the public, restricting research to the site.

10年来,昆士兰州中部的摩根山洞穴(Mount Morgan cave)一直没有对公众开放,限制了对该地区的研究。该洞穴以澳大利亚整个东部一半的恐龙足迹多样性最高而闻名。

Although UQ palaeontologist Dr Anthony Romilio has had success searching for images of the tracks, he has only recently been provided with new images of different dinosaur’s footprints at the site by the Mount Morgan Historical Museum.

虽然昆士兰大学的古生物学家安东尼·罗米里奥(Anthony Romilio)博士已经成功地找到了这些足迹的图像,但直到最近摩根山历史博物馆才向他提供了不同恐龙脚印的新图像。


“These photographs of fossil footprints have been on museum-display for years,” Dr Romilio said.


“Up until now, it was unknown what type of dinosaurs made these tracks or what the tracks meant.


“A typical dinosaur track of this kind look like those made by birds, but these are shaped like broad-handled forks.”


Upon further inspection, Dr Romilio revealed that the dinosaur must have created the tracks while crouched.


“It’s very strange behaviour, and we don’t yet know why it did this,” Dr Romilio said.



“You can rule out predatory stalking behaviour, as this set of tracks was made by a two-legged plant eater called an ornithopod.


“And interestingly, this crouching dinosaur was taking bigger steps than other ‘normal’ walking dinosaurs.


“This unusual posture likely made the prehistoric animal more stable allowing them to quickly cross the muddy shore of an ancient lake.”


Dr Romilio is keen to investigate this mysterious dinosaur despite all of the unknowns.
