英语听力汇总   |   美国西部将面临气候变化引发的“特大干旱”





Study says western US is headed for climate-driven ‘megadrought’


A two-decade-long dry spell that has parched much of the western United States is turning into one of the deepest megadroughts in the region in more than 1,200 years, a new study found.


And about half of this historic drought can be blamed on man-made global warming, according to a study in Thursday’s journal Science.


Scientists looked at a nine-state area from Oregon and Wyoming down through California and New Mexico, plus a sliver of southwestern Montana and parts of northern Mexico. They used thousands of tree rings to compare a drought that started in 2000 and is still going — despite a wet 2019 — to four past megadroughts since the year 800.



With soil moisture as the key measurement, they found only one other drought that was as big and was likely slightly bigger. That one started in 1575, just 10 years after St. Augustine, the first European city in the United States, was founded and that drought ended before the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock in 1620.

以土壤湿度为主要测量指标,他们只发现了另一场同样严重的干旱,而且可能更严重一些。这场旱灾始于1575年,也就是美国第一个欧洲城市圣奥古斯丁(St. Augustine)建立10年后。1620年,清教徒在普利茅斯石(Plymouth Rock)登陆之前,旱灾就结束了。

What’s happening now is “a drought bigger than what modern society has seen,” said study lead author A. Park Williams, a bioclimatologist at Columbia University.

现在发生的是“一场现代社会从未见过的干旱”,该研究的主要作者a . Park Williams说,他是哥伦比亚大学的生物气象学家。

Daniel Swain, a UCLA climate scientist who wasn’t part of the study, called the research important because it provides evidence “that human-caused climate change transformed what might have otherwise been a moderate long-term drought into a severe event comparable to the ‘megadroughts’ of centuries past.”

没有参与这项研究的加州大学洛杉矶分校气候科学家丹尼尔·斯温(Daniel Swain)称这项研究很重要,因为它提供了证据,证明“人类造成的气候变化将原本可能是一场温和的长期干旱变成了一场堪比过去几个世纪‘特大干旱’的严重事件。”

What’s happening is that a natural but moderate drought is being worsened by temperatures that are 2.9 degrees Fahrenheit (1.6 degrees Celsius) hotter than the past and that suck moisture out of the ground, Williams said. It’s much like how clothes and plants dry faster in the warmth of indoors than they do outside, he said.


To quantify the role of global warming, researchers used 31 computer models to compare what’s happening now to what would happen in a mythical world without the burning of fossil fuels that spews billions of tons of heat-trapping gases. They found on average that 47 percent of the drought could be blamed on human-caused climate change.


“We’ve been increasingly drifting into a world that’s getting dryer,” Williams said.
