英语听力汇总   |   晴朗的天空导致格陵兰冰盖有史以来最大的下降





Clear Skies Drove the Biggest-Ever Drop in Greenland’s Ice Sheet


Clear skies and more sunlight over Greenland last summer resulted in the biggest drop in the ice sheet’s mass ever recorded, new research shows.


The phenomenon was linked to an exceptional high-pressure system that prevented the formation of clouds, according to a study led by Marco Tedesco from Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. That suggests climate models that don’t incorporate atmospheric data could be underestimating future melting by about half, Tedesco said in commentary accompanying the research.

哥伦比亚大学Lamont-Doherty地球观测站的Marco Tedesco领导的一项研究表明,这一现象与一种特殊的高压系统有关,该系统阻止了云层的形成。特德斯科在研究报告的评论中说,这表明,没有纳入大气数据的气候模型可能低估了未来冰川消融的一半。


“These atmospheric conditions are becoming more and more frequent over the past few decades,” he said. “Simulations of future impacts are very likely underestimating the mass loss due to climate change.”


Scientists closely monitor the surface mass balance of Greenland’s ice sheet—that is, how much mass is lost due to melting compared with how much is gained due to snowfall and other accumulation. But when there are no clouds, there’s no snow. As a result, about 50 billion fewer tons of snowfall fell over the ice sheet than average last year. Without the fresh snow cover, the ice absorbed more heat, eventually melting down to 320 billion tons below the average mass for 1981 to 2010, the biggest drop since record-keeping began in 1948. It gained back just 50 billion tons, about 13% of the average increase between 1981 and 2010.

科学家们密切监测格陵兰冰盖的表面质量平衡,即融化造成的质量损失与降雪和其他积冰造成的质量损失之比。但是没有云的时候,就没有雪。结果,冰盖上的降雪量比去年平均减少了500亿吨。没有了新的积雪,冰吸收了更多的热量,最终融化到3200亿吨,低于1981年至2010年的平均质量,这是自1948年有记录以来的最大降幅。 它只回收了500亿吨,大约是1981年到2010年平均增长量的13% 。

Such a small increase is not good news said the study’s co-author, the University of Liege’s Xavier Fettweis, in commentary on the paper. That’s in part because surface mass losses aren’t the only way glaciers shrink. Fissures also form in the ice, causing large chunks to break off into the ocean, a process known as calving. Under stable conditions, the gains in surface mass balance would be high enough to compensate for the ice that’s lost when icebergs calve off, but not under current conditions.



The same weather system caused a different damaging effect in the northern and western parts of Greenland. Warm, moist air from the lower altitudes gather there and formed clouds, but instead of bringing snowfall, these clouds trapped the heat that would normally bounce off of the ice into the atmosphere, creating a small-scale greenhouse effect.


Overall, the Greenland ice sheet lost an estimated 600 billion tons in 2019, representing a sea level rise of about 1.5 millimeters.


“You can see the mass balance in Greenland as your bank account,” Tedesco said. “In some periods you spend more, and in some periods you earn more. If you spend too much you go negative. This is what happened to Greenland.”
