英语听力汇总   |   研究人员发现了最古老的手工制作的绳子,它不是人类手工制作的





Researchers Discover The Oldest Handmade String, And It Wasn't Crafted by Humans


Neanderthals were making string and cords from fibres long before early humans cottoned on to the technique, according to a new archaeological discovery.


Researchers have found a 6.2 millimetre (0.24 inch) fibre fragment which they date to around 41,000–52,000 years ago – so quite a bit older than the previous record holder, a 19,000-year-old fragment found in Israel.

研究人员发现了一块6.2毫米(0.24英寸)的纤维碎片,他们将其追溯到大约41000 - 52000年前——这比之前的记录保持者——一块19,000年前在以色列发现的纤维碎片——要古老得多。


The discovery was made in a cave in France, which would've been a Neanderthal settlement at the time. It suggests the species were smarter and more adept at crafts than we often give them credit for.


"Understanding and use of twisted fibres implies the use of complex multi-component technology as well as a mathematical understanding of pairs, sets, and numbers," write the researchers in their published paper.

研究人员在他们发表的论文中写道: “理解和使用扭曲纤维意味着使用复杂的多组分技术,以及对成对、集合和数字的数学理解。”。

"Added to recent evidence of birch bark tar, art, and shell beads, the idea that Neanderthals were cognitively inferior to modern humans is becoming increasingly untenable."


After discovering the fragment, the researchers used spectroscopy and microscopy techniques to analyse it and determine where the fibres had originally come from – probably the inner bark of a non-flowering tree, such as a conifer, before it hardened.


The team suggests that we have a poor understanding of the Neanderthals because perishable materials like this are usually long gone by the time we get to them. Tools and bones can only tell us so much.


If these ancient hominids were indeed able to make string, they would have had to know about the growth and seasonality of the trees the fibres were taken from, and been able to apply some numeracy skills to twist and bundle the fibres up into yarn.


In other words, making fibres and string is more complicated than you might realise. The researchers think the fragment they've discovered might have been a handle for the flint tool it was attached to, or part of a net or a bag for holding tools.


The research has been published in Scientific Reports.
