英语听力汇总   |   鱿鱼能以前所未有的方式编辑它们的RNA





Squids Can Edit Their RNA in an Unprecedented Way, Scientists Discover


When it comes to squids, you just can't keep them down.


Not just because they're slippery, but also because they have an incredible genetic editing ability - it lets them tweak their own RNA long after it's left the nucleus.


Here's what that means. Genes, in humans at least, mostly stay unchanging until they're recombined and passed onto the next generation.



This is the same for our messenger RNA (mRNA). Helpful molecules read our DNA, create short little RNA messages, and send them outside the nucleus to tell the rest of the cell which proteins need to be built.

我们的信使RNA (mRNA)也是如此。有用的分子读取我们的DNA,生成简短的RNA信息,然后将它们发送到细胞核外,告诉细胞的其他部分哪些蛋白质需要合成。

Once that mRNA has exited the nucleus, it's thought the genetic information it carries can't be messed with much - but new research has shown that in squid nerves, this isn't the case.


"We are showing that squid can modify the RNAs out in the periphery of the cell," says Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL), Woods Hole geneticist Joshua Rosenthal.

伍兹霍尔遗传学家乔舒亚·罗森塔尔(Joshua Rosenthal)海洋生物实验室(MBL)说:“我们正在证明,鱿鱼可以改变细胞外围的RNA。”

"It works by this massive tweaking of its nervous system," Rosenthal told Wired. "Which is a really novel way of going through life."


The team took nerves from specimens of adult male longfin inshore squid (Doryteuthis pealeii), and analysed the protein expression, as well as the squids' transcriptome, which is similar to a genome, but for mRNA.

研究小组从成年雄性长鳍近海鱿鱼(Doryteuthis pealei)的标本中提取神经,并分析了蛋白质的表达,以及鱿鱼的转录组,该转录组类似于一个基因组,但有mRNA。


They found that in squid nerves (or neurons), the mRNA was being edited outside of the nucleus, in a part of the cell called the axon.


This mRNA editing allows the squids to finely tune the proteins they produce at local sites (see diagram below). With this finding, squids have become the only creatures we know of that can do this.


This isn't the first time squids have shown off their genetic editing prowess, though. Back in 2015, a similar team at MBL discovered that squids edit their mRNA inside their nucleus to an incredibly large degree – orders of magnitude more than what happens in humans.


The research has been published in Nucleic Acids Research.
