英语听力汇总   |   科学一直在寻找自闭症和肠道问题之间的联系





Science Keeps Finding Links Between Autism And Gut Problems


Many people will associate autism with traits including atypical social interactions, repetitive behaviours, and difficulties with speech and communication.


But perhaps lesser known is the fact people with autism are more likely to experience gastrointestinal disorders than the general population.


One review found children with autism were four times more likely to report gastrointestinal symptoms than children without a diagnosis. A number of studies in the review reported the prevalence of gut problems was the same among boys and girls.


These symptoms can include constipation, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, bloating, reflux and vomiting.


Gut problems like these hinder quality of life for people with autism and their families, further affecting sleep, concentration and behavioural issues.


For a long time we thought this was due to the way the brain controls the gut. Think of the "butterflies" you get in your stomach, or the need to rush to the toilet when you're really nervous.

很长一段时间,我们认为这是由于大脑控制肠道的方式。想想你肚子里的“蝴蝶” ,或者当你真的很紧张的时候急着去厕所。

While the brain does influence gut function, this is only part of the story. Newer research is showing gastrointestinal symptoms in autism may be due to differences in the gut itself.


The gut contains its own dedicated nervous system, called the enteric nervous system, which co-ordinates digestion and the absorption of food and nutrients.


The enteric nervous system is a complex integrated network of neurons that extends along the gastrointestinal tract.



While structurally quite different, it contains about the same number of cells as the spinal cord and uses many of the same neurochemical messengers, receptors and proteins as the brain.


Autism has a strong genetic component. More than 1,000 gene mutations are associated with the disorder. Many of these gene mutations alter how neurons communicate in the brain.


We hypothesised some of these gene mutations may also cause neuron wiring to go awry in the gut, resulting in gastrointestinal issues in some people with autism.


To test this theory, we studied patient records of two brothers with autism, who have a single gene mutation associated with autism that affects neuron communication. We also studied mice.


Mouse models with this specific mutation, called neuroligin-3, have previously shown behaviours relevant to autism, such as altered social interactions, reduced communication and repetitive behaviours.


We found this mutation also affects the enteric nervous system of the gut in mice. Mutant mice exhibited altered gut contractions, and the speed at which food moved through their small intestine was faster than the speed for mice without the mutation.


Meanwhile, both brothers have gut issues including esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus) and diarrhoea.


So our work shows a gene mutation associated with autism, previously only studied in the brain, could affect the gut too.
