英语听力汇总   |   报告发现,目前有76种解决方案可以减缓气候变化





Report Finds 76 Solutions Available Right Now to Slow Down Climate Change


We have all the solutions we need to avoid catastrophic warming, right now, claims a new report by Project Drawdown. And, not only are they easy to implement, they're far cheaper than doing nothing.

一份Project Drawdown的报告称,我们现在已经有了避免灾难性气候变暖所需的所有解决方案。而且,它们不仅容易实施,而且比什么都不做要便宜得多。

The Drawdown Review is a comprehensive analysis of the currently available solutions to the climate crisis, based on the work of scientists and researchers around the world, across many sectors, from finance to climate science.

这份《The Drawdown Review》的报告是对当前气候危机可用解决方案的全面分析,其依据是世界各地从金融到气候科学等多个领域的科学家和研究人员的工作。

The aim of the nonprofit Project Drawdown is to guide us all towards a future where the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to decline - the moment they refer to as 'drawdown'. That means we must start extracting fossil fuel emissions, such as CO2 and methane, from the atmosphere as well as stop spewing them into it.



"Drawdown is a critical turning point for life on Earth, and we must strive to reach it quickly, safely, and equitably," says the report.


Having already lost an entire decade to inaction, and recently receiving a glimpse of some very frightening consequences - the devastating loss of wildlife from Australia's unprecedented summer of fires - the urgency of such solutions are surely clear.


"The current path we are on is beyond dangerous," the report warns, "and it's easy to be paralyzed by that perilousness. Yet possibility remains to change it."


Project Drawdown estimates that by implementing the 76 solutions they've outlined, it would result in savings of up to around US$144 trillion of avoided climate damage and pollution-related healthcare costs. While the upfront cost could be up to US$26.2 trillion, this plan would allow us to achieve peak carbon dioxide by as early as the mid-2040s.

Project Drawdown估计通过实施他们列出的76个解决方案,可以节省高达144万亿美元的气候损害和污染相关的医疗成本。尽管前期成本可能高达26.2万亿美元,但这一计划将使我们最早在本世纪40年代中期达到二氧化碳峰值。

When they scientists grouped their solutions by sector, they were ranked like this:




Food waste, agriculture, land rehabilitation




Building efficiency




"We found that when we add together the 80-plus solutions to climate change, and these already exist, we have enough to get drawdown by between the 2040s and the 2060s depending on how decisively we act," co-author and climate scientist Jonathan Foley told the ABC.

“我们发现,当我们把80多个应对气候变化的解决方案(这些方案已经存在)加在一起时,我们有足够的时间在本世纪40年代到60年代之间减少温室气体排放,这取决于我们采取行动的果断程度。”合著者、气候科学家乔纳森·福利(Jonathan Foley)在接受美国广播公司(ABC)采访时表示。