英语听力汇总   |   亚马逊雨林可能会开始排放碳而不是吸收碳





Amazon rainforest could start emitting carbon instead of absorbing it


The amount of planet-warming carbon dioxide that can be sucked up from the atmosphere and stored by tropical forests is falling as the global climate heats up, researchers said on Wednesday.


They warned in a study that rainforests could tip from absorbing carbon to becoming a source of emissions faster than scientists had previously expected – a switch that could happen in the Amazon as early as the mid-2030s.


“The cause of this is climate change impacts – in terms of heat stress and droughts – on these remaining intact forests,” said Simon Lewis, a senior author of the study published in the journal Nature and a professor at Britain’s University of Leeds.

这项研究的资深作者、英国利兹大学教授西蒙·刘易斯(Simon Lewis)在《自然》杂志上发表了这项研究,他说:“造成这一现象的原因,是气候变化对这些保存完好的森林造成的影响——就热应力和干旱而言。”。

The evidence that forests had started the process of turning from a carbon sink into a source was “incredibly worrying”, he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.



“Humanity has been really lucky so far in that these forests have been mopping up our pollution and they might not keep doing that for that much longer,” he added.


Large swathes of rainforest, including those in Indonesia, Brazil and Democratic Republic of Congo, help regulate rainfall, prevent flooding, protect biodiversity and limit climate change.


But the 30-year study, led by the University of Leeds and involving almost 100 institutions, showed that the intake of carbon by “intact tropical forests” peaked in the 1990s and had dropped by a third by the 2010s.

但这项由利兹大学(University of Leeds)牵头、涉及近100家机构的30年研究显示,“完整的热带森林”的碳摄入量在20世纪90年代达到顶峰,到2010年代下降了三分之一。

Intact forests are large areas of continuous forest with no signs of intensive human activity like agriculture or logging. They form part of the world’s roughly 5.5 billion hectares of forest.


Trees suck carbon dioxide from the air, the main greenhouse gas heating up the Earth’s climate and store carbon, which they release when they are cut down and are burned, or rot.


Tropical forests are huge reservoirs of carbon, storing 250 billion tonnes in their trees alone – an amount equivalent to 90 years of global fossil-fuel emissions at current levels.


Scientific models have typically predicted that the role of tropical forests in storing carbon would continue for decades.


But their ability to offset human emissions is declining faster than thought, Lewis said.


The way to maintain tropical forests as carbon sinks “is to stabilize the climate” by cutting emissions, mainly from fossil-fuel use, to “net zero”, said Lewis.
