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Scientists claim they’ve discovered the first extraterrestrial protein


Scientists say they have discovered the first known protein that originated in space, located in a meteorite that fell to Earth 30 years ago.


The meteorite, known as Acfer 086, hit Algeria 30 years ago and contains the protein hemolithin. Inside the hemolithin are iron and lithium, two building blocks for life, the researchers said in the study located on the arXiv repository.

这颗陨石名为Acfer 086,30年前袭击阿尔及利亚,含有血石蛋白。研究人员在位于arXiv储存库的研究中说,血石中含有铁和锂,这是生命的两种基本元素。

“Analysis of the complete spectrum of isotopes associated with each molecular fragment shows 2H enhancements above terrestrial averaging 25,700 parts per thousand (sigma = 3,500, n=15), confirming extra-terrestrial origin and hence the existence of this molecule within the asteroid parent body of the CV3 meteorite class,” the study’s abstract states. “The molecule is tipped by an iron-oxygen-iron grouping that in other terrestrial contexts has been proposed to be capable of absorbing photons and splitting water into hydroxyl and hydrogen moieties.”



Acfer 086 was discovered in 1990 and has a mass of 173 grams, according to The Meteorological Society.

根据气象学会的数据,Acfer 086于1990年被发现,质量为173克。

In an interview with ScienceAlert, astronomer and chemist Chenoa Tremblay said it’s believed that proteins are “likely to exist in space,” but this would be the first evidence of such.

天文学家和化学家Chenoa Tremblay在接受ScienceAlert的采访时说,人们认为蛋白质“可能存在于太空中”,但这将是这方面的第一个证据。

“So we’re pretty sure that proteins are likely to exist in space,” Tremblay, who was not involved in the study, told ScienceAlert. “But if we can actually start finding evidence of their existence and what some of the structures and the common structures might be, I think that’s really interesting and exciting.”


Because the hemolithin in Acfer 086 has a similar structure to proteins on Earth and its ratio of hydrogen to isotope deterium is similar to that seen in the Oort cloud, it’s believed it could have formed nearly 4.6 billion years ago, in the proto-solar disk, the Daily Mail reports.

据英国《每日邮报》报道,由于Acfer 086中的血石具有与地球上蛋白质相似的结构,其氢同位素测定值与奥尔特云中的相似,因此人们认为它可能是在46亿年前的原太阳盘中形成的。

A study was published in October 2019 that suggested the second interstellar object ever discovered, Comet 2I/Borisov, could be carrying water on it from beyond the solar system, releasing water vapor on its journey.


A separate study published in 2018 suggested that cometlike objects could be “ferrying” microbial life across thousands of light-years.
