英语听力汇总   |   联合国表示,核查南极洲的高温记录将需要数月时间





UN says it will take months to verify high temp records in Antarctica


Record high temperatures reportedly measured in Antarctica will take months to verify, the UN weather agency said Sunday.


A spokesman for the World Meteorological Organization said the measurements made by researchers from Argentina and Brazil earlier this month have to undergo a formal process to ensure that they meet international standards.


“A formal decision on whether or not this is a record is likely to be several months away,” said Jonathan Fowler, the WMO spokesman.

世界气象组织发言人乔纳森•福勒(Jonathan Fowler)表示:“关于这是否创下纪录的正式决定可能还要等上几个月。”


Scientists at an Argentine research base measured a temperature of nearly 65 degrees Fahrenheit Feb. 6 on a peninsula that juts out from Antarctica toward the southern tip of South America. The previous record there was 63.5 degrees Fahrenheit in March 2015.


Last week, researchers from Brazil claimed to have measured temperatures of 20.75 degrees Celsius on an island off the peninsula — beating the record for the entire Antarctic region of 19.8 Celsius in January 1982.


Fowler said both of the new measurements would need to be transmitted to Prof. Randall Cerveny, a researcher at Arizona State University who examines reported temperature records for WMO.

Fowler说,这两种新的测量方法都需要转交给Randall Cerveny教授,他是亚利桑那州立大学的研究员,负责为世界气象组织检查报告的温度记录。

Cerveny then shares the data with a wider group of scientists who “will carefully evaluate the available evidence (including comparisons to surrounding stations) and debate the merits and problems of the observation,” said Fowler.


The evaluation normally takes six to nine months, after which Cerveny would “formally either accept or reject the potential extreme,” giving official WMO approval to the new record, he said.


Climate change is causing the Arctic and the Antarctic to warm faster than other parts of the planet.
