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This New Chip Could Bridge The Gap Between Classical And Quantum Computing


Quantum computers exist today, although they're limited, cut-down versions of what we hope fully blown quantum computers are going to be able to do in the future.


But now, researchers have developed hardware for a 'probabilistic computer' – a device that might be able to bridge the gap between genuine quantum computers and the standard PCs and Macs we have today.



The special trick that a probabilistic computer can do is to solve quantum problems without actually going quantum, as it were. It does this using a p-bit, which the team behind this research describes as a "poor man's qubit".


Whereas classical computing bits can store either a 1 or a 0, qubits can be both at the same time, thanks to the laws of quantum computing – and that means a big leap in processing power. A p-bit, meanwhile, can only be a 1 or a 0, but they can switch between those two states very, very quickly.


By carefully controlling these fluctuations, scientists can tackle calculations of a kind that are generally considered to be quantum computing problems, but without an actual quantum computer.


As an added bonus, p-bits work at room temperature, whereas qubits need super-cold conditions to operate properly, so they're easier to adapt into existing computers.



"There is a useful subset of problems solvable with qubits that can also be solved with p-bits," says electrical and computer engineer Supriyo Datta,from Purdue University in Indiana. "You might say that a p-bit is a 'poor man's qubit'."

印第安纳州普渡大学的电气和计算机工程师Supriyo Datta说:“量子位可以解决的问题中有一个有用的子集也可以用p位来解决。”“你可能会说p位是‘穷人的量子位’。”

This probabilistic computer and its p-bits represents some sort of middle ground between the two. The researchers suggest that fully realised p-bit machines would handle integer factorisation and similar problems using less space and energy than today's computers.


This machine is going to have to be scaled up and refined further to be of practical use, but the researchers think those advancements might not be too far off. These devices can then take over from classical computers for certain problems, until the quantum computing revolution finally arrives.


Scientists are making progress, but there's still some way to go before qubits are stable and practical enough to actually run the sums we need them to run and to scale up properly. Making qubits and connecting them together remains a tough challenge.


The research has been published in Nature.
