The adaptive significance of fruit color has been investigated for over a century. While color can fulfill various functions, the most commonly tested hypothesis is that it has evolved to increase fruit visual conspicuousness and thus promote detection and consumption by seed dispersing animals. However, fruit color is a complex trait which is subjected to various constraints and selection pressures. As a result, the effect of animal selection on fruit colour are often difficult to identify, and several studies have failed to detect it. Here, we employ an integrative approach to examine what drives variation in fruit color.
We quantified the colour of ripe fruit and mature leaves of 97 tropical plant species from three study sites in Madagascar and Uganda. We used phylogenetically controlled models to estimate the roles of phylogeny, abiotic factors, and dispersal mode on fruit color variation. Our results show that, independent of phylogeny and leaf coloration, mammal dispersed fruits are greener than bird dispersed fruits, while the latter are redder than the former. In addition, fruit color does not correlate with leaf colour in the visible spectrum, but fruit reflection in the ultraviolet area of the spectrum is strongly correlated with leaf reflectance, emphasizing the role of abiotic factors in determining fruit color. These results demonstrate that fruit color is affected by both animal sensory ecology and abiotic factors and highlight the importance of an integrative approach which controls for the relevant confounding factors.
Understanding the origin and adaptive significance of fruit color has been a lively source of debate for over a century. While less varied than flower color globally, fruit color diversity is nonetheless extensive, spanning and surpassing the human capacity to detect it. Fruit color diversity has been attributed to phylogenetic constraints, environmental constraints, and protection from antagonists. Yet the oldest, best documented, and most contentious hypothesis for why fruit color is so diverse centres on its role in attracting seed dispersing mutualists. The disperser hypothesis posits that the colour of fleshy fruits evolved to maximise visual detection by specific animal mutualists to facilitate seed dispersal.
The finding that fruit and leaf reflectance in only the UV part of the spectrum are correlated may indicate the importance of solar radiation in fruit colour, at least across certain parts of the spectrum. While solar radiation is required to maintain plant function, excess light absorption can be damaging, and even fatal, to plant tissues,
Absorption at certain spectra, particularly in the ultraviolet, can result in photoinhibition and photodamage – reduced photosynthetic efficiency and cell damage. Plants have mechanisms to detect and respond to variation in ambient light, and to attenuate harmful solar radiation via investment incompounds.Plant UV reflectance may also function to reduce water loss in plant parts. Experimentally, UV reflectance has been found to increase likelihood of ripening, and responsive to both solar radiation and edaphic factors in temperate, agricultural systems.
In conclusion, our results confirm that fruit colour is largely independent of phylogeny and that it is affected by both abiotic factors and interaction with seed-dispersing animals. They join several recent studies which demonstrated the malleability of fruits to frugivore sensory and feeding ecology. Yet they also highlight the importance of the multivariate approach which recognises that fruit color is shaped by multidirectional selection pressures, and that only by considering them in concert can the effect of each be isolated and understood.