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Why growing up on a farm is good for your immune system


Health experts have known for years that kids who grow up on a farm have fewer incidences of allergies and asthma than city kids, but continued research is helping them better understand the connection between the immune system and microbes only found in that setting.


Researchers may have figured out what it is about life on a farm that protects kids from allergies and boosts their immune systems. (Photo: Andy Dean Photography/Shutterstock)

The Amish children all had a large proportion of neutrophils, white blood cells that are part of the so-called innate immune system. The Amish kids' neutrophils "were newly emerged from their bone marrow, evidence of a continual low-grade reaction to microbial invaders," the Times reported. In contrast, the Hutterite kids had "old" neutrophils, and researchers found their blood was full of another type of immune cell, eosinophils, which provoke allergic reactions.


They made this connection with the help of young pigs. They essentially did a fecal transplant, placing the Amish babies' poop into the intestines of newborn pigs, essentially testing the hygiene hypothesis with the help of pigs, which have an immune system more similar to humans. The results were an increased development of immune cells, particularly lymphoid and myeloid cells in the intestines.


The research was published in Frontiers in Immunology.


The Amish babies involved in the experiment all lived in rural homes with farm animals. (Photo: Elizaveta Galitckaia/Shutterstock)

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 6.8 million children in the U.S. have been diagnosed with asthma and about 17 percent of kids suffer from respiratory allergies to things like pollen and mold. But over the last few decades, health care providers have observed that kids who grow up on farms are much less likely to be affected by these conditions than their urban-dwelling peers.


What's more, researchers found that when the mice were exposed to farm dust, they produced a protein in their lungs called A20. When they deactivated this protein, these mice had a normal allergic response to the dust mites.


Researchers confirmed these findings with human surveys where they found that people who suffer from allergies and asthma have a deficiency in A20 protein. Finally, they took a look at the kids growing up on farms who develop asthma and allergies. You guessed it — those kids have a mutation in their A20 gene that impedes the production of A20 protein.


Researchers were especially interested in dust on dairy farms. (Photo: Ewa Studio/Shutterstock)

By narrowing down the mechanisms behind certain asthmatic and allergic reactions, these researchers may have opened the door for the development of vaccines and treatment options for people who suffer from these conditions.
