英语听力汇总   |   硅谷:永生梦的新传播者





In 1999, the futurist Ray Kurzweil published a book entitled The Age of Spiritual Machines. He looked forward to a future in which the “human species, along with the computational technology it created, will be able to solve age-old problems . . . and will be in a position to change the nature of mortality.”

1999年,未来学家雷•库兹韦尔(Ray Kurzweil)撰写的一本叫做《机器之心》(The Age of Spiritual Machines)的书出版了。在他所期待的未来,“人类及其创造的计算技术将能够解决古老的问题……并将能够改变死亡的本质。”

Mr Kurzweil is now an executive at Google, one of whose co-founders, Larry Page, launched a start-up, Calico, in 2013 with the aim of harnessing advanced technologies that will enable people to “lead longer and healthier lives”.

库兹韦尔现在是谷歌(Google)的一名高管。2013年,谷歌创始人之一拉里•佩奇(Larry page)创办了一家初创企业Calico,其宗旨是利用先进技术,让人们能够“更长寿、更健康”。

Others go even further. Aubrey de Grey, co-founder of Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence, a research centre, believes that ageing is just an engineering problem. Technological progress, he maintains, will eventually enable human beings to achieve what he calls “life extension escape velocity”.

有一些人的目标更为远大。研究机构Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence的联合创始人奥布里•德格雷(Aubrey de Grey)认为,衰老只是一个工程问题。他认为,科技进步最终将让人类得以达到他所说的“寿命延长的逃逸速度”。

As for Mr Kurzweil, earlier this year he announced that he had “set the date 2045 for the ‘Singularity’ which is when we will multiply our effective intelligence a billion-fold by merging with the intelligence we have created”. In this “transhumanist” vision, once we turn ourselves into “spiritual machines”, we will be able to live forever.

至于库兹韦尔,今年早些时候,他宣布他“把2045年确定为达到‘奇点’的时间,到那时我们将通过与我们创造的智能相结合,让我们的实际智慧增强10亿倍”。在这种“超人类主义”的远景中,一旦我们变成了“有灵魂的机器”(spiritual machines),我们就能永远活下去。

Although mortality denial is currently fashionable in Silicon Valley, it is not new. On the contrary, it is one of the most successful products ever designed and has been on the market for millennia.

尽管在硅谷,“否认死亡”(mortality denial)现在是个时髦词汇,但它并不新鲜。相反,它是有史以来设计过的最成功的产品之一,已经出现在市场几千年了。

Because human beings are the only animals to have evolved an explicit, consciously experienced insight into their own finitude, there is a robust and enduring demand for this particular psychological sleight of hand. Unfortunately, death is not just something the Chinese have invented to make America less competitive. Empirical evidence and rational argument converge on the simple, sobering fact that all of us will eventually disappear for good — sooner or later, more or less gracefully, and with more or less suffering.


It is hard to face this fact in an intellectually honest manner. Human beings have a problem that no creature before them had: the human cognitive self-model explicitly tells its user that everybody dies, thereby creating a toxic form of self-knowledge, a deep existential wound. My emotional deep structure tells me there is something that must never happen, while rational thought tells me that the ultimate accident is inevitable. Religion was an early-stage adaptation to this neurocomputational bug.


Aiding and abetting human self-deception in ingenious and sophisticated ways is therefore a lucrative business.


In its most primitive form, represented by organised religion down the centuries, mortality denial has consisted in just that — simple, outright denial. In the religious perspective, the good news is that all of this is not true — the dead will be resurrected. You are loved and accepted by an omnipresent divine being. And if you manage to accept yourself as accepted, you will finally be able to feel at home in a strange and hostile world, reacquainting yourself with the early childhood emotion of security.


The gospel of alternative facts comes in many different flavours and varieties. In organised self-deception, there are levels of sophistication. For example, a Buddhist may claim that she does not even want to be reborn, that her highest goal is to liberate herself from the cycle of death and rebirth. If things don’t work out with nirvanic giga-bingo in this life, then, unfortunately, something in you is forced to survive death.


Other versions of denial involve tying your self-esteem to your tribe or nation. You can stabilise your sense of self-worth by being a good communist, a pious Catholic or by becoming a complacent secular humanist — all you need is a set of values that you can live up to and a mutually reinforcing community of believers.


Others strive for symbolic immortality by seeking to make a genuine and lasting contribution to science, philosophy or culture. Imagine writing a book that will be read centuries after your death, or composing a piece of music or creating art that will be admired by thousands long after your physical body has shrivelled and perished.


Silicon Valley tech evangelism and transhumanism are merely the latest forms of culturally evolved self-deception. They present us with a new metaphysical placebo for existential palliative care. Will we upload ourselves into virtual reality? Perhaps a benevolent superintelligence can help us break through into a life beyond all suffering? Could the church of the technological singularity be right in proclaiming that immortality is nearer than we think?


It is tempting to dismiss scientifically inspired presentiments of immortality as arrant nonsense, but we should not underestimate the way ideas like transhumanism speak powerfully to our unconscious need for delusion. This is not only a new religion that does without God and churches — it also is a marketing strategy for new technology. A novel form of cross-promotion and co-branding, tech evangelism really aims at a deeper and more efficient penetration into the digital marketplace by offering mortality denial in the same package.


The writer is a fellow in the Gutenberg Research College at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz

本文作者是德国美因茨约翰内斯古滕贝格大学(Johannes Gutenberg University)古滕贝格研究学院(Gutenberg Research College)研究员