英语听力汇总   |   6种方法克服对未知的恐惧





6 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of the Unknown


1.Understand Your Fear


Fear is not unique to you. Fear is part of our human DNA and so it is not unusual for you to feel fear when you are stepping out into the unknown. Our brain is hardwired to prefer negative consequences to uncertain outcomes. Our brain does not like us stepping out into the unknown or living in a world of change.


2. Find the Cause of Your Fear


The fear of the unknown is made up of many thoughts and beliefs that result from negative experiences. If you have failed in business or you feel you have failed in life and have low self-belief, then your fear of the unknown will be heightened and wanting to protect you.


3. Question Your Fear


For example, ask yourself the following 3 questions:


What evidence is there that supports my fear of the unknown?


What are 3 examples where I have successfully coped with uncertainty?


What evidence is there that I will fail and my fear of the unknown will be right?


I am sure you come up with many more questions, but always remember your fear of the unknown is not based on reality. – so question it and move forward.


4. Accept Failure as an Option


If you really understand your fear of the unknown and have looked at realistic risks in regard to stepping out of your comfort zone, then you just have to accept that failure could be an option.


If we take away the idea of failure and use setbacks as experiences to draw lessons from, there will always inevitably be a positive outcome at some point in your journey.


5 . Ride the Wave of Fear


Anything we try in life that takes us out of our comfort zone comes with lots of discomfort, disruption and feelings of uncertainty. This is guaranteed and you will not be able to avoid the disruption of change in your life.


However, once you accept that over time, the discomfort will subside, then riding that wave of fear becomes a lot easier. Talking to someone about your feelings is one good technique to managing your fear. Also, exercise and mediation help to slow your thoughts down and keep your mind focused on the present not what may or may not happen in the future.


6. Embrace Change


Resisting change keeps you in a place of discomfort and that’s where your fear of the unknown likes to be. Your fear will keep you paralysed in a bad situation because it is what it knows best and where it can control you.


Stepping out and embracing change will open you up to a world of opportunities and growth. Change will become a fact of life that you will embrace and successfully manage.
