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Game of Thrones prequel casts young Grindelwaldand a young Dumbledore!


HBO's upcoming Game of Thrones prequel justadded a boatload of new names to the call sheet.


The Hollywood Reporter has revealed eight newadditions to the cast of the first Game of Thronesprequel, titled The Long Night, including JamieCampbell Bower (The Crimes of Grindelwald) TobyRegbo (Reign). Toby Regbo also played young Albus Dumbledore.





Regbo counts Netflix's The Last Kingdom and recently reprised his role as Young Dumbledore inNovember's Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindewald. He is currently shooting Netflix'sMedici, opposite Game of Thrones grad Richard Madden.


No word yet on who each of these incoming actors will portray in the series, but we can makea quick assessments right away:


Young Grindelwald's character could easily be an ancient Lannister, because just look at hishair!


The series is the first of several potential Game of Thrones prequels and is expected to shedsome light — er, darkness — on the fabled time period when the world descended from its"golden Age of Heroes" and brought about those pesky White Walkers that continue to ensnareall of Westeros in the show we all know.
