Along with shots of the return of Veep and Game ofThrones, viewers got a peak at the second season ofBig Little Lies.
Stars Reese Witherspoon, Shailene Woodley, ZoeKravitz, Nicole Kidman and Laura Dern were featuredin the teaser all in a precarious position.
Following the shocking murder twist at the end of season one, the ladies of Monterey wereseen still in their party clothes from the final scene standing in a police lineup.
The theme of the season one finale's soiree was Elvis and Audrey Hepburn so the group was allin different costumes from films like Breakfast at Tiffany's and My Fair Lady.
Reese, Shailene, Zoe, Nicole and Laura all stood with their backs to a wall holding cards withnumbers one through five in the shot, looking a little worse for the wear.
Other quick shots showed an intense looking Reese who plays Madeline.
Viewers also got to peep a shot of Meryl Streep who is joining the cast this season.
The hit HBO show is coming back for season two sometime in 2019 and the cast finishedfilming over the summer.
All of the show's leading ladies from season one will return for the new episodes and the show, which already boasts an incredible roster of A-listers, will get an infusion of new celebrityclout with the addition of Meryl.
Witherspoon, whose production company makes the show, will return as producer as well asstar.
She and Nicole Kidman, who also serves as producer, will each receive a significant salarybump, and will make 'around $1 million an episode' for season two.
Co-stars Kravitz, Dern, and Woodley will reportedly get raises as well.