英语听力汇总   |   辱华美国说唱歌手致歉 网友:不真诚,不原谅







There had been hostility in the US as well as China from fans and fellow artists in response to Pump’s post on December 16, in which he used the phrase "ching chong" and made a slant-eyed gesture, in racist caricatures of Asians.

Pump在中国和美国的粉丝、同行批判了他于12月16日发布的视频。他在其中使用了“ching chong”一词,并作出“眯眯眼”的姿势,嘲讽亚洲人。

That prompted an apology from the Colombian-American rapper - best known for his 2017 hit Gucci Gang - in another video on Christmas Day, but the apology has brought further criticism on social media.

这促使这位哥伦比亚裔美国说唱歌手——以于2017年发布的热门歌曲《Gucci Gang》最为人所知——于圣诞节当天发布了另一段视频致歉,但是这在社交媒体上招致了进一步的批判。

I seen the whole thing going on on the internet and all that, says the 18-year-old, whose real name is Gazzy Garcia, in the second video. "I came here to tell you from my part that I’m sorry and I apologise for posting that.

“我看到了整个事情在互联网上发酵,”18岁的Pump(真名为Gazzy Garcia)在第二段视频中说道。“我来这里是告诉你,我很抱歉,我道歉。”

It was not my intentions to hurt nobody or do none of that, he says, smiling. "Happy holidays, spread love."


But a thread about the incident on Weibo, China’s equivalent of Twitter, had been read over 35 million times by Friday, with more than 9,000 comments, most of them unforgiving. Many also continued to post on the rapper’s Instagram page.


The words ’ching chong’ were so clear, who would believe you if you said you didn’t mean it? wrote one Weibo user. "The apology is not an honest one, we do not accept and will not forgive."

“ching chong”这个词是如此地清晰,如果你说你不是故意的,谁会相信你?”一名微博用户写道。“道歉不真诚,我们不接受,绝不原谅。”