凭借在《一个明星的诞生》当中的表演,Lady Gaga获得了金球奖最佳女演员的提名。
Bradley Cooper is also nominated for his direction of and performance in the musical remake.
Rosamund Pike is nominated for best actress in afilm drama, alongside Lady Gaga, for her role in A Private War.
裴淳华因出演电影《私人战争》而与Lady Gaga一起被提名为剧情类电影的最佳女主角。
Olivia Colman, meanwhile, will compete for the best actress in a film musical or comedy award with Emily Blunt, shortlisted for playing the title role in Mary Poppins Returns.
Blunt said she was "blown away and over the moon" to receive her sixth Golden Globenomination, adding that she was "delighted in playing every aspect of this extraordinary and iconic character."
"The entire experience working on it was spellbinding and that's largely to do with the incomparable director Rob Marshall who took on this project with great love, depth and courage in his heart."