英语听力汇总   |   鹳鸟的爱情:飞跃14000公里来看你





The world’s most faithful male is a stork. Every year, for the past 16 years, he has flown 14,000 km from his winter home in South Africa to a small village in Croatia, Europe, to be with his handicapped mate, who cannot fly due to an old gunshot wound.


The amazing love story between Klepetan and Malena has made the two storks celebrities in Croatia. Every March, the male stork flies back to the village of Brodski Varos, where Malena is waiting for him. They mate and have new babies each year, which Klepetan then teaches how to fly, before migrating with them to South Africa. The injured female stays behind, as she cannot fly, but she’s always well taken care of during the cold winter.

Klepetan与Malena之间奇妙的爱情故事,让它们成为了克罗地亚的名人。每年三月,雄性鹳鸟就会飞回Brodski Varos村,Malena一直在这里等他。它们每年都会交配并生下小宝宝,之后Klepetan会教它们飞翔,之后和它们一起迁徙到南非。而受伤的雌鸟则待在克罗地亚,虽然她不能飞,但她总是能在冬天得到很好的照顾。


71-year-old Stjepan Vokic, a local school caretaker, adopted Malena in 1993, after finding her near a pond. She had been injured by hunters, and would have surely ended up as a meal for foxes or other predators, but he took her home and nursed her back to health. She wouldn’t be able to migrate for the winter ever again, but Vokic made sure her winter home was as comfortable as possible.

71岁的Stjepan Vokic是当地某学校的看门人,他于1993年在池塘边发现了Malena,之后便收养了她。她被猎人打伤了,原本她会成为狐狸或者其它捕食者的美味大餐,但他将她带回了家并加以照顾。她冬天再也不能迁徙了,但Vokic会确保她冬天尽可能舒适。

Called “improvised Africa”, by Vokic, the storage building Malena spends her winters in features a nest, heating and aquarium, and her human dad makes sure to bathe her regularly and rub cream on her feet to stop them drying out. So when Klepetan arrives in the first days of Spring, she’s ready to add more baby storks to the 62 they already have together.


“I also take her fishing since I can’t take her to Africa. We even watch TV together,” Vokic told AFP. “If I had left her in the pond foxes would have eaten her. But I changed her fate, so now I’m responsible for her life.”


Klepetan wears a tracking ring on one of his legs, and his final migratory destination has been traced to a wetland near Cape Town, in South Africa, some 14,500 km from Brodski Varos. It takes him little over a month to fly back to his beloved Malena every Spring.

Klepetan的一只脚上戴着追踪环,他的上一次迁徙定位在南非海角镇附近的一个湿地,它距离Brodski Varos14500公里。他需要飞一个多月才能回到爱人的身边。

Stjepan Vokic, who lives by himself, after losing his wife a few years ago, says that every time Klepetan arrives, he feels like one of his sons has returned home.

Stjepan Vokic独自居住,他在几年前失去了他的妻子。他说每次Klepetan来的时候,他都感觉好像是他的某个儿子回家了一样。