“Everyone involved with the film has worked incredibly hard for the past two years maintaining the highest level of secrecy. Only a handful of people know the film’s true plot.”
“We’re asking that when you see Infinity War, in the coming months, that you maintain the same level of secrecy so that all fans can have an equal experience when they watch it for the first time. Don’t spoil it for others, the same way you wouldn’t want it spoiled for you.”
而作为剧组公认的剧透狂魔(Spoiler Fiend),片中蜘蛛侠的扮演者Tom Holland自觉转发,“这封信就是写给我的。”
“The funny thing about that movie is I showed up and I was like, 'Can I read the script?' And they were like, 'No, you're terrible at keeping secrets.”
“A lot of my scenes with Benedict Cumberbatch, I did with someone else who just had dots on their face who I guess, later in the process, will become Benedict Cumberbatch.”
“I'd be on set and be working with actors and actresses that were just tennis balls for that day so I'd be texting people like 'Hey, are you in this scene with Spider-Man?' …So I basically had to do a lot of background research to find out what I was doing.”
在最终季筹备期间,HBO节目部负责人Casey Bloys宣称,可能拍摄多个版本结局,以免有人剧透。
"I know 'Game of Thrones,' the ending, they're going to shoot multiple versions so that nobody really know what happens. You have to do that on a long show. Because when you're shooting something, people know. So they're going to shoot multiple versions so that there's no real definitive answer until the end."
除了拍摄多版结局,龙母扮演者Emilia Clarke称,第八季拍摄期间,剧组还严禁演员使用社交媒体,以防剧情泄露。
该剧制作人Jonathan Nolan在红迪网发帖称,只要帖子获得1000个赞,就放出第二季官方剧透视频。
"We thought about this long and hard, and came to a difficult (and potentially highly controversial) decision. If you guys agree, we're going to post a video that lays out the plot (and twists and turns) of season 2. Everything. The whole sordid thing. Up front."
"That way the members of the community here who want the season spoiled for them can watch ahead, and then protect the rest of the community, and help to distinguish between what's 'theory' and what's spoiler."
这段“伪西部世界风”视频在1分半左右画风突变,剧中德洛丽丝和克莱门汀的扮演者穿着便装,弹唱起Rick Astley的《永不放弃》。一曲终了,只剩一条狗坐在钢琴前无所适从。