今年9月,潜水者丹·皮特森(Dan Patterson)在英国诺森伯兰郡法恩群岛和水下小动物互动时,他的朋友亚当·汉伦(Adam Hanlon),一位水下摄影师拍下了互动画面。
Adam said: “The Farnes provide the most amazing photographic opportunities and I have visited there regularly for many years.
The rookery of grey seals at the Farne Islands are well known for providing amazing interactions.
These seals literally play with visiting divers and seem to derive much pleasure from doing so.
'People often describe them as 'underwater Labradors' and certainly it is like being surrounded by a group of boisterous, happy puppies.'
'I tend to watch the animals for a while before trying to capture images of them.This allows them to become accustomed to my presence, and allows me to figure out what they are up to.'
Diver, Dan, a bricklayer from, seahouses, Northumberland, was amazed by how close he could get the wild animals.
Dan said: “This particular seal was playing, nibbling on me, tugging my fins, rubbing himself on me for around 10 minutes.“
“Diving with sharks, turtles, rays, cool fish is pretty awesome but when an animal comes over to you, plays with you, lets you pet him and interacts with you like that it’s something else.”