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  GRE的阅读有一定的结构体系,可以让我们更快更准地把握文章的脉络。比如,阅读中常出现的全文论证一个观点的结构类型,可以让我们类比到我们自己的写作模式。每一个主体段都是:中心论点+论据(details+examples)的结构。那我们该如何来识别这种结构呢?要通过句子与句子间的逻辑关系。比如,像类似and, also, moreover, furthermore的词都可以表示前后两个句子是并列关系。没有逻辑词的句子,也即顺承而讲,中心观点仍然是一个。当然,对于新观点推翻旧观点和解释针对问题型的文章有其自身的特点,也算有迹可循。



  By the time the American colonists took up arms against Great Britain in order to secure their independence, the institution of Black slavery was deeply entrenched. But the contradiction inherent in this situation was, for many, a source of constant embarrassment. “It always appeared a most iniquitous scheme to me,” Abigail Adams wrote her husband in 1774, “to fight ourselves for what we are daily robbing and plundering from those who have as good a right to freedom as we have.”在这个段落里,第二句话出现了but,所以就确定了我们要重点读but之后的句子,因为转折后永远是中心。再比如:In this respect, Wuthering Heights shares a feature of Hamlet.这个句子里我们看到了share a feature这个短语,体现出Wuthering Heights与Hamlet在this respect的相似点,所以可以预测后面应该会有关于此考点的考题。诸如此类的考点还有很多,都是需要我们在读文章的时候擦亮眼睛找出来的“宝”。


  因为时间的限定,我们做不到每个句子都弄懂意思,也就是说,有些句子只是文章中的绿叶,起到陪衬的作用,是不需要我们太关注的。像阅读中常出现的例子。例子的作用都是用来支撑其前面的中心观点的,所以对于例子具体的内容不需要花太多时间搞懂它的意思,只需要知道它的目的就可以了。例子出现比较明显的是伴随着for example, for instance, take sb/sth as an example, such as等等。难点就在于能不能用火眼金睛看出这些深藏不露的例子,比如:

  The condition of scholarship devoted to the history of women in photography is confounding. Recent years have witnessed the posthumous inflation of the role of the hobbyist Alice Austen into that of a pioneering documentarian while dozens of notable senior figures — Marion Palfi, whose photographs of civil-rights activities in the South served as early evidence of the need for protective legislation, to name one — received scant attention from scholars.第二句话这个长难句是不是一看就开始发愁了,但是如果我们能看出来这里面是用具体的人物的例子来支持第一句话,那我们在通读全文的时候,这个句子就可以大概浏览而过了,是不是节省了很多时间呢?