英语听力汇总   |   GRE填空的词汇记忆





  invective: 恶言漫骂; abusive language

  1) abusive language curses, vituperation

  2) An intensely vehement, highly emotional verbal attack

  Invective ------ an insult or abuse in speech

  invective -----verbal abuse.

  invective (n) ---- abuse; verbal attack; vituperation; violent censure. Antonym: praise; laudatory words; complimentary speech

  Synonyms: berating, diatribe, tirade

  invective <> accolade

  Invective : complimentary language

  The invective she heaped on her colleague was completely out of proportion with the small error she had made. ?

  I will no longer put up with your invective, Where did you learn such language?

  The debate judge cautioned participants not to engage in invective but rather in reasoned and decorous discourse.