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The US media have given their verdict on who won the second presidential debate after Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton engaged in attack and counter-attack.


While opinion is divided, Mrs Clinton is largely thought to have come out on top in Sunday's debate in St Louis. But columnists raised the issue of her failure to tackle Mr Trump effectively, allowing him to "exceed expectations".

Fox News concludes that Mr Trump managed to pull off a surprising performance, although the news channel does not explicitly state that the Republican candidate won the debate.

The conservative network says he performed well, pivoting and manoeuvring through questions, allowing him to save his presidential hopes.

Mr Trump's decision to launch a blistering attack against Hillary Clinton and her husband is described by Fox as the equivalent of "Hillary dropping Alicia Machado on Trump" in the previous debate.

'This could be one of the biggest knockouts I've seen'

That was the line used by Breitbart news, which is in a minority in handing the title to Mr Trump.

In a leading story quoting comments from former mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani, it reports that Mrs Clinton was "pounded on bad decisions".

It refers to accusations from Mr Trump that Mrs Clinton and the Democratic Party helped "create the vacuum in the Middle East" that allowed so-called Islamic State to form.

"All Hillary Clinton had to do was remain upright for 90 minutes."

The Washington Post's verdict is that the debate highlighted an "increasingly isolated" Mr Trump during an "unusually dark and bitter face-off". Over the past year, the newspaper has been at the forefront of investigations into Mr Trump, and has published several editorials condemning the candidate.

On the news site's Right Turn blog, Jennifer Rubin says Mrs Clinton had very little to do in order to go "the last little way in wrapping up the election".
在其网站的“Right Turn”博客栏目中,詹妮弗•鲁宾称希拉里无需费太多力就可以走完大选的“最后一公里”。

She writes that Mrs Clinton handled the audience well when answering questions, adding that the former secretary of state effectively won the debate early on by "simply keeping her cool".

Issues ranging from Mr Trump's tax payments to his foreign policy have, according to the Post, given Mrs Clinton plenty of material for a new raft of political ads.

A CNN/ORC poll of debate watchers handed Sunday's victory to Mrs Clinton. But the results also showed that Mr Trump managed to exceed expectations.

Ron Fournier, whose coverage of US politics dates back to the days of Bill Clinton, writes that Mrs Clinton did about as well as anyone could while dealing with a "barking" opponent and "pouting menace".

Mr Fournier said that throughout the debate the controversial Republican "failed to patch together his collapsing campaign".
