It’s not true that humans only use 10 percent of our brains, no study has shown or even claimed that. It’s just something people say for no reason.Yeah, turns out the whole brain is important.
NO matter what your drunk cousin Dave tells you, there’s no such thing as cow tipping. Because cows sleep lying down. Well then, what if I been getting drunk and knocking down then. Mom, I’m sorry!
Touching baby birds doesn’t make their mothers reject them, mamas love their babies. That’s right, you could have saved that bird you saw when you were 10. You let it die.
George Washington didn’t have wooden teeth, his actual dentures were made of gold, lead, hippopotamus bones and doggie teeth. Ha! Wood. How pedestrian.
There’s no medical reason to drink eight glasses of water a day. Uh, now you tell me.
Sorry stoners, undercover cops don’t have to tell you they’re cops just because you ask them. Cops are allowed to lie, that’s not a thing. Oh, wait. So are you a cop? Well, you could be a cop.
Vikings didn’t wear horns on their helmets, and the Iron Maiden never existed. It was a hoax that was made up in the nineteenth century. Yeah!
George Washington Carver didn’t invent peanut butter, Thomas Crapper didn’t invent the toilet, and Al Gore never claimed he invented the Internet. That’s correct, what I did do was sponsored legislation. Oh my god you’re so boring! Which was a predecessor of the rule……?
Albert Einstein didn’t fail high school math. Of course I freakin’ didn’t. I was a great scientist of all time. And you jackasses think I failed math? E equals MC screw you! Nice one!
The Great Wall of China is not visible from space. Yeah. Every astronaut looks, and none of us have ever seen it. But hey, why listen to us, we’re only “astro-nuts”. Not to mention, if you were ever thrown out of an airlock, you wouldn’t explode. In fact, you can survive up to 30 seconds, before you ran out of oxygen, and lost consciousness. So here’s a question, if none of these things are true, then why do we all believe them? Simple,because they all tell good stories. It’s so comforting and fun to think that Albert Einstein sucked at math too! Or that cops have to do what you say if you know the magic words. But, that doesn’t make it true. And nothing is more important than …the…truth.