视频揭秘: 英国首相的一天是怎么过的?
英国首相卡梅伦邀请《太阳报》跟拍他的“一日生活”,这种破天荒的机会,非常有可能是一次忽悠选民的“作秀”——但是谁知道呢?说不定他只是想显现一下自己对国家有多么鞠躬尽瘁呢?完整纪录片视频就在这里哦~配有图解~你们自己判断吧~When Prime Minister David Cameron invited The Sun to follow him around for the day, he of course made sure to showcase his own domestic digs.
With Cameron trying to win over swing voters with a video showing just how hard it is to run the country when you've got to make food for a film crew, engage with Facebook, deal with some people called the Lib Dems and find time to eat your Weetabix, here's a list of the finer details gleaned from a day in the life of the Prime Minister:
He likes sardine, tomato and lemon sandwiches
The Tory leader whipped up 'Sardines a la Cameron' for the film crew, with a dollop of mayonnaise added for that extra je ne sais quoi.
And he is definitely better at eating a sandwich than Ed Miliband.
Cameron flawlessly takes a bite, masterly holding the slice while controlling his jaw muscles, his eyes focused on the task at hand.