Hollywood Organizes to Resist Trump
Many people who work in the U.S. television and movie business are known to resist President Donald Trump. Award shows and social media make fun of Trump. Celebrities such as Katy Perry, George Clooney and LeBron James publicly supported Hillary Clinton when she ran against Trump two years ago.
众所周知,很多美国电视和电影行业的从业人员都抵制川普总统,颁奖典礼和社交媒体嘲笑川普,凯蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)、乔治·克鲁尼(George Clooney)和勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James)等名人在两年前的总统大选中公开支持希拉里。
But Hollywood – as the business is called – cannot oppose Trump in a presidential election until 2020. So workers are using their power and creativity to help opposition party candidates for state and local offices. Elections for those positions will be held on November 6 of this year.
A group that calls itself OMG WTF
一家自称为OMG WTF的组织
On a recent night in Los Angeles, more than 100 people came together to talk politics at a popular piano bar. It was lit by a sign that said "OMG WTF."
最近在洛杉矶的一个晚上,有100多人聚在一家颇受欢迎的钢琴酒吧里谈论政治,这家酒吧被一块写着OMG WTF的标志牌所照亮。
The sign is the name of a group that supports Democrats in the states of Ohio, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, Texas and Florida. OMG WTF is from the first letter of each state.
这个标志是一家支持俄亥俄州、密歇根州、佐治亚州、威斯康星州、德克萨斯州和佛罗里达州民主党的组织的名称。OMG WTF来自这些州的首字母。
Ben Sheehan started OMG WTF to call attention to these races. At the piano bar, Sheehan explained his thinking.
本·希恩(Ben Sheehan)创建了OMG WTF组织,以引起人们对这些州竞选的关注。在这家钢琴酒吧,希恩解释了他的想法。
State office holders can work against Trump, he said. For example, attorneys general have the power to sue to block federal laws. Secretaries of state can affect voting rules. Many governors can reject voting areas that are created to support one party. Also, he added, state leaders become the national leaders of the future.
OMG WTF said it raised more than $100,000 in the first few weeks after it launched this summer. The money is given directly to candidates. It also helps pay for events and information at university campuses. Most target voters under age 35 – a group that has low voting numbers.
OMG WTF组织称其在今年夏天启动后的最初几周内筹集到了超过10万美元。这些资金都直接给了候选人。它还帮助支付了大学校园的活动和信息。大部分目标选民年龄在35岁以下,这群人投票率不高。
What effect do celebrities have on voting?
The effect celebrities have on elections is not clear. In 2016, many Hollywood stars urged voters to support Hillary Clinton. When she lost, some wondered if voters became angry that Hollywood stars told them to how to vote.
Now, strategists are directing celebrities to races in their home states, where they know about important issues and have friends.
Hannah Linkenhoker is a senior political strategist at talent agency ICM Partners and founder of ICM Politics. She said, "(If celebrities) have a genuine connection to the candidate or race, I don't think that hurts."
Hannah Linkenhoker是人才机构 ICM Partners的高级政治战略家,也是ICM Politics的创始人。她说:“如果明星们与候选人或投票有切实联系,我不认为这会有不利影响。”
I'm Susan Shand.
Many people who work in the U.S. television and movie business are known to resist President Donald Trump. Award shows and social media make fun of Trump. Celebrities such as Katy Perry, George Clooney and LeBron James publicly supported Hillary Clinton when she ran against Trump two years ago.
But Hollywood – as the business is called – cannot oppose Trump in a presidential election until 2020. So workers are using their power and creativity to help opposition party candidates for state and local offices. Elections for those positions will be held on November 6 of this year.
A group that calls itself OMG WTF
On a recent night in Los Angeles, more than 100 people came together to talk politics at a popular piano bar. It was lit by a sign that said “OMG WTF.”
The sign is the name of a group that supports Democrats in the states of Ohio, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, Texas and Florida. OMG WTF is from the first letter of each state.
Ben Sheehan started OMG WTF to call attention to these races. At the piano bar, Sheehan explained his thinking.
State office holders can work against Trump, he said. For example, attorneys general have the power to sue to block federal laws. Secretaries of state can affect voting rules. Many governors can reject voting areas that are created to support one party. Also, he added, state leaders become the national leaders of the future.
OMG WTF said it raised more than $100,000 in the first few weeks after it launched this summer. The money is given directly to candidates. It also helps pay for events and information at university campuses. Most target voters under age 35 – a group that has low voting numbers.
What effect do celebrities have on voting?
The effect celebrities have on elections is not clear. In 2016, many Hollywood stars urged voters to support Hillary Clinton. When she lost, some wondered if voters became angry that Hollywood stars told them to how to vote.
Now, strategists are directing celebrities to races in their home states, where they know about important issues and have friends.
Hannah Linkenhoker is a senior political strategist at talent agency ICM Partners and founder of ICM Politics. She said, “(If celebrities) have a genuine connection to the candidate or race, I don’t think that hurts.”
I’m Susan Shand
Words in This Story
celebrity – n a person who is famous
sue – v. to use a legal process by which you try to get a court of law to force a person, company, or organization that has treated you unfairly or hurt you in some way to give you something or to do something
strategist – n. a person who is skilled in making plans for achieving a goal
genuine – adj. sincere and honest