All 12 Boys, Soccer Coach Rescued from Flooded Cave in Thailand
Thai officials say all 12 members of a boys' soccer team and their coach have been rescued from deep inside a flooded cave in northern Thailand.
A Thai Navy SEAL force announced that the remaining four boys and the coach were rescued on Tuesday. Thai and foreign divers safely led the other eight youngsters out of the cave earlier in the week.
"We are not sure if this is a miracle, a science, or what. All 13 Wild Boars are now out of the cave. Everyone is safe," the SEALs wrote on Facebook. The Wild Boars is the team's name.
The acting governor of Chiang Rai state, Narongsak Osottanakorn, led the rescue operation. He said the efforts on Tuesday began just after 10 in the morning local time and involved 19 divers.
清莱州代理州长Narongsak Osottanakorn领导了救援行动。他说,周二的救援行动于当地时间早上10点刚过开始,有19名潜水员参与了行动。
The 12 boys and the coach got trapped on June 23 when they set out to explore the Tham Luang cave after a soccer workout. British divers found them in a partly flooded passage several kilometers inside the cave on July 2.
这12名男孩和他们的教练在足球训练后前往Tham Luang洞穴探险时被困。7月2日,英国潜水员在该洞穴一条部分淹没通道的数公里深处发现了他们。
Rainy season
Monsoon rains have started falling again in Thailand. The rainfall causes water levels inside the cave to rise.
Experts warned it was extremely risky to dive the youngsters out of the cave. None of the boys had ever dived before. Some of them do not even know how to swim. But a short period of less heavy rainfall this week made the rescue mission possible.
A team of Thai and international divers guided the boys and their coach out through a nearly four kilometer long passageway. Two divers helped each one make his way through dark, very narrow passages, some of which are filled with dirty water. It took the divers about eight hours to get into the cave, reach the boys, and bring them back out.
One volunteer, former Thai Navy SEAL Saman Gunan, died last Friday while placing air tanks along the escape path. He ran out of air while trying to swim out of the cave.
一名志愿者,即前泰国海军海豹突击队Saman Gunan上周五在沿逃生路径放置氧气瓶时不幸遇难。他在试图游出洞穴时耗尽了氧气。
Condition of the boys
Thai Health Secretary Jedsada Chokdumrongsuk told reporters earlier on Tuesday that two of the first eight rescued boys had lung infections. He added that all of them were generally healthy and in good spirits, thanks to their "high immunity" from playing football.
泰国卫生部部长 Jedsada Chokdumrongsuk 周二早上对记者表示,8名获救男孩中有2人发生肺部感染。他补充说,由于他们踢球产生的”高免疫力“,所有人都非常健康,精神状态良好。
Jesada said the boys are being kept away from family members to prevent them from getting an infection. He said they would likely be in the hospital for at least a week.
He also told reporters that the first four boys who were rescued are now able to eat normal food. But he added they cannot yet have the spicy treats that many Thais like to eat.
I'm Jonathan Evans.
Thai officials say all 12 members of a boys’ soccer team and their coach have been rescued from deep inside a flooded cave in northern Thailand.
A Thai Navy SEAL force announced that the remaining four boys and the coach were rescued on Tuesday. Thai and foreign divers safely led the other eight youngsters out of the cave earlier in the week.
“We are not sure if this is a miracle, a science, or what. All 13 Wild Boars are now out of the cave. Everyone is safe," the SEALs wrote on Facebook. The Wild Boars is the team’s name.
The 12 boys and the coach got trapped on June 23 when they set out to explore the Tham Luang cave after a soccer workout. British divers found them in a partly flooded passage several kilometers inside the cave on July 2.
Rainy season
Monsoon rains have started falling again in Thailand. The rainfall causes water levels inside the cave to rise.
Experts warned it was extremely risky to dive the youngsters out of the cave. None of the boys had ever dived before. Some of them do not even know how to swim. But a short period of less heavy rainfall this week made the rescue mission possible.
A team of Thai and international divers guided the boys and their coach out through a nearly four kilometer long passageway. Two divers helped each one make his way through dark, very narrow passages, some of which are filled with dirty water. It took the divers about eight hours to get into the cave, reach the boys, and bring them back out.
One volunteer, former Thai Navy SEAL Saman Gunan, died last Friday while placing air tanks along the escape path. He ran out of air while trying to swim out of the cave.
Condition of the boys
Thai Health Secretary Jedsada Chokdumrongsuk told reporters earlier on Tuesday that two of the first eight rescued boys had lung infections. He added that all of them were generally healthy and in good spirits, thanks to their "high immunity" from playing football.
Jesada said the boys are being kept away from family members to prevent them from getting an infection. He said they would likely be in the hospital for at least a week.
He also told reporters that the first four boys who were rescued are now able to eat normal food. But he added they cannot yet have the spicy treats that many Thais like to eat.
I’m Jonathan Evans.
Words in This Story
soccer – n. a sport played on a field between two teams of 11 players; a game known in many countries as football
cave – n. a series of holes or underground passageways in the Earth or on the side of a mountain
SEAL – n. a member of a special naval force; short for “Sea, Air and Land”
miracle – n. an unusual thing or event
monsoon – n. the rainy season in southern Asia
immunity – n. the ability to keep oneself from being affected by sickness or a disease
spicy – adj. hot or lively