You chicken! *chicken-胆小鬼,turkey火鸡-傻瓜
Scared cat! /You sissy! /You wimp!
Nobody's perfect! 人无完人!
Fuck you! /Screw you! /Go to hell!
You asshole! 饭桶! /You jerk! /You shit! /You idiot! /Stupid! /You fool!
Christ! *混帐!/天哪! /Oh, my god!
You beast! *你这畜牲!
You animal! /You pig!
You tomboy! 野丫头!
You sly dog! *滑头的家伙!
You're sneaky! /You're shrewd!
You're clever!
Fag! /Faggot! 同性恋!
Hey, ugly! 丑八怪!
Fatso! 肥猪! /Fatty! /Whale!
Cow! 你这母牛!/你这娘们!
Pig! 猪猡!
Shorty! 矬子!
Shrimp! 矮矬子!
What an ungrateful man! 忘恩负义
You lowlife! 下流胚
You scum!
Stop trying to be cool!
Give it up!