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更新日期:2014-05-26浏览次数:889次所属教程:as it is



Hollywood Paparazzi

Wherever there are famous people, there are “paparazzi.” That is the Italianname for photographers who chase famous people in an effort to take theirpicture. Their photographs and video recordings can be worth a lot of money.

Paparazzi sometimes wait outside the homes of actors, sports stars andother famous people. The photographers may follow them as they go eat, go for a walk and even fight among themselves. These pictures are often foundlater in newspapers and magazines.

Giles Harrison owns the London Entertainment Group, a business based inLos Angeles. He sells pictures of famous people to all kinds of mediaorganizations.

“I used to see ‘celebs’ all the time, but it never really occurred to me that Icould make money off of taking photos of them. And now I know I can. I do.So…”

He says most people like seeing pictures of famous people.

“What they don’t like is how they perceive that you get the photos. It’s a guiltypleasure of everybody in the world.”

One Saturday morning, Giles Harrison was looking a new photo of someonefamous -- someone like singer Britney Spears.

“Is she there?”

“No. Is she even in town?”

“I think she’s in town.”

Mr. Harrison and his team are always looking for Hollywood stars.

“That is Robert Redford…getting in the car.”

He says taking pictures of famous people lets him follow his dream of being areporter and adding a little excitement to his life.

A Day in the Life of Hollywood Paparazzi

“I’ve hung out of helicopters. I’ve hung out of airplanes. I’ve done a lot of crazythings to get a shot.”

He employs more than 30 other papparazzi around the world.

“You sure you’re sitting at the right house, because apparently she got burgledyesterday.”

“I’m sitting at the right house.”

Giles Harrison likes to look for celebrities when he drives around Los Angeles. He does not like to wait near the home of a famous person.

David Faustino has been an actor since he was a boy. He is best known forhis work in the television series “Married With Children.”

David Faustino has been a target of photographers. He does not like them, but he knows he cannot escape them. He says at least they do not follow him likethey do other celebrities.

“They’re a necessary evil. I don’t mind them. I’ve been dealing with them sinceI was a little kid on ‘Married With Children.’ And, you know, it gets a little crazy. I also don’t have them chasing me around like, say, I don’t know, JustinBieber. It’s all good. We’re in Hollywood.”

Michael Burgeno is not a Hollywood actor. But he does like to read news aboutcelebrities and watch videos online. He believes it is wrong for the paparazzito photograph celebrities when they are with their children.

“If they, if they’re with their family -- yes, I think it should be, you know, that lineright there, where they shouldn’t kind of try to interact with them yet.”

Giles Harrison says he understands this concern. But he says many famouspeople cannot demand privacy and, at the same time, seek publicity.

“When you have people like the Kardashians doing photo shoots with theirchildren, and, you know, selling access to magazines. Once they open thatdoor you just can’t switch it off.”