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更新日期:2014-05-18浏览次数:739次所属教程:as it is



Does a Fast-Growing Economy Mean Healthier Children?

Hello again, and welcome to As It Is! I’m Jonathan Evans in Washington.

Today on the program, we take a look at how Somalia is working to rebuild itseconomy. But first, a recent study questions whether placing attention oneconomic growth is the best way to improve child nutrition in low- and middle-income countries. Mario Ritter has more.

Subu Subramanian is a professor at the Harvard School of Public Health inMassachusetts. He says there is a common belief on the best way toimprove child health in developing countries. He puts it this way:

"Let’s just go after economic growth and then everything else will just follow."

But, he says, that is not always true. Take India, for example. A commonmeasure of a country’s economic health is gross domestic product, or GDP. India’s GDP has been growing by more than five percent a year. That is ahigher growth rate than most Western countries.

Yet more than two-fifths of India’s children are underweight. And SubuSubramanian says the percentage of underweight children has changed littlesince the early 1990s.

He and other researchers asked a question. Was economic growth failing toreach children in countries other than India? They looked at health surveyscarried out since 1990 in 36 low- and middle-income countries, mostly southof Africa’s Sahara Desert.

The researchers compared the effect of GDP growth and signs of childmalnutrition, like stunted growth and being underweight. But the researchersfound only a small relationship, or correlation.

“Practically zero to very, very small.”

The group reported their findings in the journal Lancet Global Health.

Subu Subramanian says money should be spent on clean water and wastetreatment systems, childhood immunization campaigns and other programs.

“Without these direct investments, what we are seeing is economic growth byitself is not making much impact.”

But that is not how Lawrence Haddad sees the issue. He is head of theInstitute of Development Studies in Britain.

Lawrence Haddad says malnutrition has dropped sharply over the past 20years in countries like Vietnam, Ghana or Brazil. He says economic growthwas responsible for half of those declines.

“And the other half is attributable to strategic investments in water, sanitation,health systems, nutrition programs.”

He says it takes both GDP growth and the right investments to improve childnutrition. I’m Mario Ritter.

India's GDP is growing, but is economic growth enough to ease malnutrition among children?

You are listening to As It Is from VOA Learning English.

For years, Somalia has been called a failed state. Piracy, poverty andterrorism have been problems in the country for a long time. But recentimprovements suggest that the country is taking steps toward lasting security.Here again is Mario Ritter.

Conference Seeks to Rebuild Somalia's Economy

Somali officials say a stronger economy is extremely important to peace. Last week, Somali officials traveled to the United Arab Emirates hoping toattract foreign investment. The event, called The Somalia InvestmentSummit, was held in Dubai. The goal was to present Somalia as a goodplace to invest.

Somalia is still dealing with the effects of a 20-year civil war. Foreignintervention is the main cause of increased security in the country. Over thepast year, African Union troops helped drive al-Shabab militants from majorcities. And international naval forces have sharply decreased pirate attacks.

But, Ali Mohamed Gedi warns that the results of these efforts could betemporary. Mr. Gedi is the former prime minister of Somalia’s TransitionalFederal Government. He says poverty must be ended. He says poverty is thereason young people join al-Shabab.

"If we create jobs for them I believe that they’ll play a role in the stabilizationand the security of the country."

The chairman of the Somali Economic Forum, Hassan Dudde, agrees. Hesays the pull of illegal activity, such as piracy, is strong when there are no jobsavailable. He says attracting investment to Somalia now, while security isimproving, is very important.

“I think what the international organizations and the international community isstarting to realize is that bringing troops to Somalia will not be the answer to this problem. When people have jobs and a better life they will be less likely toget in trouble.”

Although conditions in Somalia are improving, safety threats remain. Somalialacks a central government. Corruption is common. And the workforce islargely unskilled. These problems concern possible investors.

Also, there are no secure legal safeguards for foreign investors. Hirsi Dirir isChief Executive Officer of Dahabshil Bank, which operates in 130 businessesin the country.

“Investors are a bit afraid of going into situations like that, but there’s a hugeopportunity.”

Somali officials are preparing legislation to create investment safeguards. And, increased security has led to a growing number of foreign investors.Currently, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Yemen are the top investorsin Somalia.

I’m Mario Ritter.

And that’s our program for today. We hope you continue to invest your time in As It Is and other programs from VOA Learning English. I’m Jonathan Evans.Thanks for listening.