英语听力汇总   |   VOA慢速英语:中方希望乌克兰的民众保持冷静


更新日期:2014-03-19浏览次数:928次所属教程:as it is



China Urges Calm in Ukraine

Hello and welcome back. I’m Jim Tedder inWashington, with a program designed to help you learnand improve your American English. At the same time,you can stay up to date on some important issues that are taking place around the world. Today we look at theuneasy situation in Ukraine, and find out what a majorworld power has to say.

Then we hear about some influential Americanlawmakers who are trying to connect the politics andeconomics of Venezuela with the situation in Cuba.

Good or bad, it’s our world, and we’ll bring it to you …As It Is.

First we turn to Ukraine. The situation there seems tochange from day to day. This week, China repeated its call for calm in thearea. This came after a disputed referendum in which a large majority ofCrimean voters are said to have marked ballots in support of leaving Ukraineand joining Russia.

The issues of separatism and self-rule are very sensitive ones in China.Experts have been closely watching to see how China reacts to thereferendum. VOA’s Christopher Cruise has been watching the situationclosely, and he joins us with some important information.

On Monday, the Chinese foreign ministry said the international communityshould help ease tensions in the area. Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Leisaid China always respects each country’s territorial claims.

China’s official answer to the crisis in Ukraine has been very interesting forChina watchers. They say Russia has failed to honor two of China’s mostimportant diplomatic values: non-interference in other countries’ affairs, andprotection of territorial rights. Observers note that Russia sent military forcesto the area after Ukrainian lawmakers ousted the country’s president. Later, the Russian government called for a referendum on Crimea’s future.

China is an ally of Russia at the United Nations. It could have voted against aSecurity Council resolution that called the referendum in Crimea illegal. ButChina decided not to vote at all. The measure was not approved becauseRussia blocked it. But some experts say the decision not to vote showed aChinese lack of support for the Russian government.

But observers in China dismiss such talk. Feng Shaolei is the director of theCenter for Russian Studies at East China Normal University.


Feng Shaolei says the two countries agree on the causes of the crisis. And, he says, they have learned more about each other’s position. Mr. Feng saysChina has been careful in its reaction to the crisis because it understands thecomplexities in the Crimea.

The idea of a popular vote to decide a country’s territory is a very sensitive onein China. Separatism is an extremist ideology among Chinese officials. Suchideas could be considered a threat to the Chinese government’s rule in areaslike Xinjiang or Tibet. China does not permit any political movements thatsupport separatism within its borders. I’m Christopher Cruise.

New Problems for Venezuela and Cuba?

Half way around the world, we also find unrest in the South American countryof Venezuela. For the past month, thousands of people have protested whatthey say is a worsening quality of life. The Venezuelan government hasreacted with violence.

Cuban American politicians in the United States, are among the loudest criticsof the Venezuelan government. The politicians have denounced Venezuela’sviolent repressions of anti-government demonstrations. Cuban Americanmembers of Congress have led efforts to punish the Venezuelan leadership. And these lawmakers may also want to cause problems in Cuba.

The three are Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen from Florida, and twoSenators: Marco Rubio, also of Florida, and Robert Menendez of New Jersey.

The proposed sanctions include banning visas and barring Venezuelanleaders from using any money or property held in the United States. Thelawmakers say these measures will send a message condemning the use offorce against anti-government protesters.

William LeoGrande is a specialist in Latin American politics at the AmericanUniversity in Washington, DC. He says the goal of the sanctions is to breakup Venezuela’s alliance with Cuba. One way is to end the flow of low-pricedVenezuelan oil to Cuba.

“If the current government of Venezuela were to be overthrown, a conservativegovernment would probably cut that assistance to Cuba and therebydestabilize the situation in Cuba. That, I think, is what conservative Cuban-Americans are after.”

There is public anger in Venezuela about food shortages, high inflation and thehigh crime rate. This anger has fueled sometimes violent demonstrations in the country. Venezuela’s leaders blame the United States for inciting andsupporting such protests. But U.S. officials have denied any suchinvolvement.

In a video on the Youtube website, Senator Rubio blamed Cuba for helping toorganize Venezuela’s use of force against protesters.

“He’s protesting against the government of Venezuela, which are puppets ofHavana, completely infiltrated by Cubans and agents from Havana. Notagents, openly, foreign military affairs officials.

Carl Meacham is the director of the Americas Program at the Center forStrategic and International Studies. He says this claim fails to truthfullydescribe the long alliance between Cuba and Venezuela. The countries grewcloser during the presidency of Hugo Chavez, who died last year.

“So I think that even though that relationship is clear and that partnership isbeneficial to both countries, I think the Venezuelans are in the driver’s seat of the developments we are seeing.”

Some members of the United States Congress want to take steps againstVenezuela because of its ties to Cuba. But observers say wider support forsanctions is the result of a desire to find a peaceful end to the conflict inVenezuela and to avoid possible unrest in the area.

Before we move on, here is just a bit of American history. On this day in 1848, Wyatt Earp was born. He became one of this country’s most famouslawmen. He was also a very large part of the old west, and will be knownforever for his quickness with a pistol at the gunfight at the OK Corral inTombstone, Arizona.

Today in San Juan Capistrano, California, folks will be squinting their eyes andcraning their necks to look for the swallows, small beautiful birds, to return. They come back every year, and some stories say they have done so, since1776.

And way down yonder in New Orleans, Louisiana, a book festival is underwayto honor American writer Tennessee Williams. If you want to read a realclassic, try to find “A Streetcar Named Desire” by Mr. Williams at your locallibrary or book store.

That’s all for now, but more Learning English programs are on the way. Andthere is world news at the beginning of the hour on VOA. I’m Jim Tedder inWashington. See you tomorrow!