Hello, again, and welcome. I’m Jim Tedder inWashington. On today’s program, we are talking U.S.politics.
There are many people who want to be president of theUnited States. But, of course, not everyone can be. That is why there is a long process through whichpolitical parties choose candidates for the nation’shighest office. The process can easily begin as earlyas two and a half years before the presidential election.
The leading parties hold primary elections andcaucuses to help reduce the number of candidates. Then the party’s nominee is officially named at anational convention or meeting.
The next US presidential election is still more than two years away. But someof the possible candidates are starting to organize their campaigns. Today,Milagros Ardin looks at the race for the presidential nomination in theRepublican Party.
For the first time in many years, there appears to be no clear leader for theRepublican nomination. At this early date, there are some individuals who are at least considering a run for the White House. Among them is Senator RandPaul of Kentucky. He recently won a test vote at a meeting of conservativeactivists. The senator is a strong critic of President Barack Obama.
“We will challenge you in the courts. We will battle you at the ballot box. Mr.President, we will not let you shred our Constitution!”
Senator Paul is likely to have plenty of competitors. One of them is anotherSenator, Ted Cruz of Texas.
“People are hurting, tragically, and we need to turn this country around. Wedid it in 1980 with a grass roots movement that became the ReaganRevolution, and let me tell you, the same thing is happening all over today.”
Senators Cruz and Paul are popular with Tea Party activists. The Tea Partyhas been a force within the Republican Party ever since it helped theRepublicans win control of the House of Representatives in 2010.
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has urged Republican leaders not toforget the importance of the Tea Party.
“You know that 2010 election victory that swept you into power? You didn’tbuild that. The Tea Party did!”
Carroll Doherty is with the Pew Research Center in Washington, DC. Hesays the split within the Republican Party will play out during the UScongressional elections later this year.
“The Republican Party is going through a lot of turmoil and a bit of division. They are struggling to find their way a bit as parties out of power are often in this position. Democrats have been in this position in the past.”
Some Republicans say there is nothing to fear from all the divisive talk. Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan was the party’s vice presidentialcandidate in 2012.
“It’s Tea Party versus establishment, libertarians versus social conservatives. There is infighting, conflict, backbiting, discord. Look, I’m Irish. That is myidea of a family reunion.”
Paul Ryan is also seen as possible candidate for the presidency in 2016. Another is New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.
“We don’t get to govern if we don’t win. And it is not only bad when we don’tget to govern because we don’t get to mold and change our society. What isworse is they do and they are doing it to us right now.”
But Carroll Doherty of the Pew Research Center says, for the first time inyears, there is no clear Republican frontrunner.
“I really think it is going to be interesting. There is no heir to the throne, as itwere, as there often is in Republican races. It is a wide open race.”
It is a different story for the Democratic Party. Former Secretary of StateHillary Clinton remains a strong favorite in 2016 -- if she decides to run.
I’m Milagros Ardin.
We would like your opinion. Send us a letter or an email and tell us who youthink will be the next leader of the United States after President BarackObama’s term ends.
Human Rights Plays a Part in Birth Control
Now we turn to something a little more personal. The World HealthOrganization says human rights must be respected and protected whenwomen seek birth control services. The WHO recently produced newguidance on the subject for policymakers and healthcare providers. Theguidelines were released earlier this month in connection with InternationalWomen’s Day. Bob Doughty has more.
The WHO estimates that more than 220 million women are not able to meettheir needs for birth control. It says the most threatened are poor women,those living with HIV and women displaced by armed conflict or other causes.
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Birth control pills can help limit family size. |
Marleen Temmerman directs the WHO’s Department of Reproductive Healthand Research. She praises the fact that the words “human rights” areincluded in the name of the WHO guidance statement.
“It is the first time that there is a guidance from the WHO where human rightsis actually in the title – and not only in the title, but also in the content of theguidelines. We have guidelines for contraceptive use ((birth control)) from amedical perspective, looking at what is safe –what are the medical eligibilitycriteria – what are the contraindications and so on. But now we have workedtowards ensuring human rights in the contraceptive guidelines.”
The WHO has been developing the guidelines for thepast year. Doctor Temmerman says a number ofwomen’s needs should receive special attention.
“We want to make sure that the human rights principlessuch as acceptability, accessibility, affordability choice,informed consent are high in the guidelines.”
The guidelines suggest providing sexual andreproductive health services to women and girls. Theyinclude family planning information and methods to prevent pregnancy. Dr.Temmerman notes that reducing deaths of mothers involving childbirth is fifthon the list of the Millennium Development Goals. And she says politicianshave been giving more attention to birth control in their policy planning inrecent years.
“And that, of course, is linked to better care, better antenatal care, betterdelivery care, but also to the rights of a woman to decide when she will getpregnant – how many children she wants.”
The doctor says millions of women must seek permission from theirhusbands to get help with birth control. At the same time, teenage girls needpermission from their parents or guardians. Many young boys also need tohave modern contraception help.
Dr. Temmerman says many women are forced into their decisions aboutwhether to become pregnant – or not. Family members, the community andcultural and religious barriers may make these decisions for them. And shesays some governments order women to have tubal ligation surgeries. Theseoperations make a woman unable to bear children.
She further says teenage girls who become pregnant may face severethreats. The WHO estimates that 16 million girls between ages 15 and 19give birth each year. This happens mostly in countries where the majority ofpeople do not earn much money.
Many pregnant adolescent girls face dangerous conditions and death. Dr.Temmerman called this, a “huge health burden.”
I’m Bob Doughty.
And I’m Jim Tedder in Washington. World news follows at the beginning of the hour on VOA.