英语听力汇总   |   这个圣诞节因我而美丽(双语)





It was a few days before Christmas many years ago and it looked like it would be a lean one for my family.


The saw mill that I was working at had laid a lot of us off while machinery was being repaired so we didn’t have much money.


My wife and I had scrimped and saved to buy our young children some toys, but an unexpected car repair had taken most of our cash. We decided then that we could only afford to get one small gift for each of our children.


We arrived at the store, walked down the parking lot and past people loading gifts into their cars. Ienvied them a bit, because it sure didn’t feel like Christmas to me.


We hurried into the store past the Salvation army bell ringer with our heads down. I had always enjoyed putting something in his kettle before but wasn’t sure if I could afford to this time.


We searched all through the store hoping to find one thing each of our small children would like. Thankfully, we were able to get them each someone sweet. We headed for the checkout, bought the toys, and were amazed that we even had a few dollars left over.


As we walked out of the store into the brisk, Winter air I stopped and dropped those dollars into the bell ringer’s kettle. I didn’t have a dime left but that didn’t matter. Suddenly, it felt like Christmas.


I think the wonderful actress, Dale Evans put it best when she said: “Christmas is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give it’s Christmas.” It doesn’t have to be a gift of money either. When we give our time, it’s Christmas. When we share our smile, it’s Christmas. When we give others ourkindness and compassion, it’s Christmas. When we do anything at any time to help another, it’s Christmas.

在我看来,女演员Dale Evan把圣诞节的意义阐释得最好,“圣诞精神在于满怀着爱的行动,每当我们去关爱、去施予,就体现了圣诞精神。”它并不需要你花钱买礼物。每当我们愿意为别人花时间(做公益),那就是圣诞节;每当我们用笑容(感染周围),那就是圣诞节;每当我们对别人亲切友善、热情满满,那就是圣诞节。无论何时,无论以何种方式,每当我们帮助别人,那就是圣诞节。

May you do all you can to make it Christmas every day of the year and every day of your life here. May you always share God’s light through the love you give and the life you live.
