英语听力汇总   |   一人 一喵 一世界(双语)





Hi. If you're a cat lover like me, this will be good.


My mom is staying at a hotel. She is on a fixed income. A stray cat came into her life shortly after she moved in the hotel. At first, she didn't want anything to do with him. but he wiggled his way into her heart and life.


When I come over to visit, she would tell me about this crazy and lovable cat. He was abandoned by his previous owners when he was young and they never looked back.


When I first met the cat, he looked at me with his big eyes and said "meow" to me, while swishing his tail around. I reach down to pet him and he rubbed his head into my hand.


He accepted me as friend.


This cat adopted my mother and I and he makes us laugh. My mom gives him tuna some times and dry food all the time.


He has stayed in the room sometimes if he is cold or just doesnt want to be outside.I look after him most of the time. I love animals and try to make them feel safe and comfortable.


I have my own cat with my hubby and we never regret having our cat.


The stray that my mom took in, well, lets just say that he looks up to her like a "surrogate" mom.


He is really attached to her and it makes my heart fill with love and joy when he is ok with us.
