英语听力汇总   |   夏天(双语)






Took a-twenty-minute nap, opened his eyes was surprised to see has been brought up in summer.


Colorful shirt release on time for class, the road enthusiasm, ginkgo tree has faded and fresh green velvet with bright green. At two o 'clock in the afternoon, the sun was fierce lashing at the earth, we are innocent.


Classmates about their disgust the delicate operation, the wind outside the window, a number of single tree in a corner quietly grow up, I have summer afternoon at my desk that kind of powerlessness.


This moment suddenly find himself very strange.

这些日子被洪水猛兽贪婪地咬噬,每个人都在以光速飞离彼此,我不敢相信已经拥有的和正在失去的种种。默默地生长的人,和角落里生长的那几株树一样,呼吸,交流,独自面对。而有的人天生就带着光芒,时刻在炙热得燃烧。年轻的老师还在开着冷冷的玩笑,我就可以想象假如我以后可以站在那里,我会怎样 ?

These days are a scourge greedily chewing, everyone is at the speed of light flying away from each other, I can't believe I already have and are losing. Grow in silence, and those few trees grow in the corner, breathing, communication, alone. And some people are born with a light, moment in the hot combustion. Young teacher is still in a cold joke, I can imagine if I later can stand there, how do I?


Summer why come so fast?


Next semester of junior, cooperate with the scorching summer, people also more and more restless. So I began to fear now. I lay in bed can still feel at ease to sleep? But I don't sleep again? I only helplessly tell myself I am a man is not god.

模糊的未来太遥远,对未知的恐惧的天性让我对未来也产生了深深的敬畏。慢慢的敲击键盘,不时的打一个夸张的哈欠,又开始犯困,那就睡一觉吧 。

Fuzzy future is too far away, the fear of the unknown nature makes me has also had a deep fear of the future. Slowly keyboard, an exaggerated yawn, from time to time and began to feel sleepy, sleep.


Wake up, the summer has just begun.