英语听力汇总   |   每日一词|核心利益 既得利益





英语作为一门语言,有其与时俱进的特性。我们作为英语学习者,要时刻关注时事新闻,才能更好的实现语言的沟通性。下面是小编整理的关于每日一词|核心利益 既得利益的资料,希望对你的英语学习有所帮助!


core interests

No development path should be chosen at the expense of major national interests, core interests in particular.选择任何发展道路都不能牺牲国家的主要利益,尤其是核心利益。China’s core interests include state sovereignty, national security, territorial integrity and national reunification, China’s political system established by the Constitution, overall social stability and others.中国的核心利益包括国家主权,国家安全,领土完整和国家的重新统一,根据宪法规定建立的中国政治制度,和社会整体稳定等。


vested interests

People with a vested interest are opposing the strategy.既得利益集团反对这项策略。The reform will of course upset vested interests. But reform is in the interest of the people and will deliver good life to hundreds of millions of Chinese workers. No other interests are more important than these interests, so we will advance reform without hesitation.当然,改革是要触动利益的,但是改革是为了人民的利益,为了亿万职工都能过上好日子,没有什么比这个利益更大,为此必须义无反顾。


以上就是每日一词|核心利益 既得利益的全部内容,一起学起来吧!