英语听力汇总   |   新冠疫苗接种开始 哪些人群不适宜接种?





新冠疫苗接种开始 哪些人群不适宜接种?


Beijing's 220 health centers have since Friday vaccinated 73,537 people, with no major side effects detected, said Gao Xiaojun, a spokesman for the Beijing Health Commission, at a news conference on Sunday.


2020年12月31日,国务院联防联控机制发布我国首个新冠病毒疫苗附条件上市(conditional marketing authorization for China's first self-developed COVID-19 vaccine)。

The inactivated vaccine, which got the approval from the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA), is developed by the Beijing Biological Products Institute Co., Ltd. under the China National Biotec Group (CNBG), which is affiliated with Sinopharm.



疫情发生以来,国务院联防联控机制科研攻关组专门设立疫苗研发专班,按照灭活疫苗(inactivated vaccines)、重组蛋白疫苗(recombinant protein vaccines)、腺病毒载体疫苗(adenovirus vector vaccines)、减毒流感病毒载体活疫苗(vaccines using attenuated influenza virus as vectors)、核酸疫苗(nucleic acid vaccines)5条技术路线共布局12项研发任务。

The interim results of its phase-3 clinical trials show 79.34 percent efficacy against COVID-19, meeting the standards of the World Health Organization and the NMPA, according to a press conference by the State Council joint prevention and control mechanism against COVID-19.This vaccine will be provided free of charge to all Chinese people.


新冠疫苗接种开始 哪些人群不适宜接种?


Currently, health centers don't accept individual vaccination reservations. Individuals going abroad for personal reasons can apply for the shot at their residential community service centers.



Groups that are not suitable to receive the vaccines include pregnant women, lactating women and patients with some diseases. These patients are those in the acute stage of fever and infection, suffering from immune deficiency or immune disorder, having severe liver or kidney diseases, having uncontrolled hypertension, diabetic complications or malignant tumors.


Currently, people in the age group from 18 to 59 are arranged to receive the vaccination, and people not in the age group should wait for further data of clinical trials to know whether they could be vaccinated.



药品和疫苗研发 drug and vaccine development

随机试验 random trial

双盲试验 double-blind trial

安慰剂对照试验 placebo-controlled trial

免疫系统 immune system

毒性试验 toxicology test

有效性和安全性研究 safety and efficacy research