英语听力汇总   |   海南开始实施“禁塑令”







Disposable plastic bags and tableware that are non-degradable have been banned from production, sale and use starting Tuesday in China's island province of Hainan.



在有关“禁塑令”的报道中,我们经常会看到disposable这个词。Disposable表示“designed to be used once or only a limited number of times and then thrown away(使用一次或限定的次数之后就可以丢弃的)”,用来形容塑料袋(plastic bags)等制品,多表示“一次性的”,与single-use意思类似;此外disposable还可以表示“可自由支配的”,比如国家统计局发布的统计数据中经常会有一项是“人均可支配收入”就是per capita disposable income,指的就是扣除各项税金以及社保缴费后,居民真正拿到手可以自由支配的那部分收入。

The first batch of items to be banned include products such as disposable plastic bags, packaging bags, meal boxes, bowls, drink cups and straws made from non-biodegradable polymers.


On the list of substitutes are items such as biodegradable plastic bags; paper, cloth and linen bags; and reusable baskets made of plastic or other materials such as wicker and bamboo, according to the provincial authorities.



Starting in August, the province launched a pilot program on phasing out single-use non-degradable plastic products in places such as Party and government organizations, State-owned enterprises, schools, tourist attractions, big supermarkets and hospitals.



这里的短语phase out表示“逐步淘汰,逐步停止”,因为phase本身就有“阶段”的意思,所以phase out强调的就是分阶段、一步一步地停止。比如:They phased out my job in favor of a computer.(他们一步步用电脑取代了我的岗位)。这个短语的名词形式是phase-out,比如:The project is currently in its phase-out period.(这个项目目前处于逐步收尾阶段)。


Hainan has also been cultivating and developing eco-friendly substitutes for non-degradable plastic products. It is expected to form a complete industrial chain of fully biodegradable materials and products between 2022 and 2023.


Currently, seven enterprises in the province are able to produce fully biodegradable plastics. By year-end, their production capacity of biodegradable plastic films and bags is set to hit 32,000 tons a year, while that of tableware would reach 11,000 tons a year.


今年1月,我国发布《关于进一步加强塑料污染治理的意见》,提出到2025年,塑料制品生产、流通、消费和回收处置等环节的管理制度基本建立(establish a complete plastics management system),多元共治体系基本形成,替代产品开发应用水平进一步提升(make progress in the development of substitute products),重点城市塑料垃圾填埋量大幅降低(significantly reduce the amount of plastic waste going to landfills),塑料污染得到有效控制(bring plastic pollution under effective control)。


生活垃圾管理 domestic waste management

一次性餐具 disposable cutlery

环保材料 environment-friendly materials

可再生资源 renewable resources

塑料污染 plastic pollution