英语听力汇总   |   明年起禁止以任何方式进口固体废物







China will ban all imports of solid waste from Jan 1, 2021, authorities have said.The dumping, stacking and disposal of waste products from overseas on Chinese territory will also be banned, according to the notice.



进口固体废物(imported solid waste),有时也被称为洋垃圾(foreign garbage),有时又特指以走私、夹带等方式进口国家禁止进口的固体废物(banned solid waste smuggled into China)或未经许可擅自进口属于限制进口的固体废物。

上世纪80年代,我国开始进口固体废物作为一种原材料的来源(import solid waste as a source of raw materials)。多年来,尽管国内的垃圾处理能力较弱(a weak capacity in garbage disposal),我国一直是全球最大的固体废物进口国。近年来,部分企业为获利,非法将洋垃圾(foreign garbage)运入国内,对环境和公众健康造成威胁(pose a threat to the environment and public health)。

2017年7月18日,中国正式通知世界贸易组织,从2017年年底开始将不再接收外来垃圾,包括废弃塑胶(plastic waste)、纸类(paper waste)及纺织品(fabrics)等。

Since the country began to phase out waste imports in 2017, the volume of imported waste has fallen by 68 percent, from 42 million to 13 million metric tons last year, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment said.



Garbage,rubbish, trash 和 waste 在英语里都有“垃圾、废物”的意思,它们的区别在于在哪个说英语的国家更常用。Garbage 是垃圾的美式英语说法;rubbish 是英式英语垃圾的意思;trash 也是美式英语垃圾的意思,但是它也可以用来指不值得尊重的人;waste 是一个正式用语,指没有利用价值的东西,包括废品、垃圾、废物、废料或者指时间、金钱、精力等的浪费。

From January to Nov 15, the volume was 7.18 million tons, it added.



循环利用 recycling

危险废物 hazardous waste

城镇生活垃圾 urban domestic garbage

垃圾分类 garbage classification

废物处理 waste disposal

垃圾计量收费 garbage charged by weight

环境破坏 environmental damage

自然资源短缺 shortages of natural resources