英语听力汇总   |   国办发文 聚焦老年人面临的“数字鸿沟”问题






The plan sets objectives for work in the 2020-2022 period focusing on seven types of services and scenarios most frequently used by or facing the elderly, such as day-to-day traveling, medical treatment, recreational activities, and civic services.


By the end of 2022, the level and convenience of smart services for the elderly will be significantly improved, online and offline services will be better coordinated, and long-term mechanisms bridging the digital divide will be established, according to the plan.



这里的digital divide就是我们所说的“数字鸿沟”或“信息鸿沟”,也可以用digital gap来表示,指在全球数字化进程(global digitalization)中,不同国家、地区、行业、企业、社区之间,由于对信息、网络技术的拥有程度、应用程度以及创新能力的差别而造成的信息落差及贫富进一步两极分化的趋势。



Improvements will include securing elderly services in emergencies, including optimizing the health screening procedure that requires health codes produced with mobile applications before entering public places, and offering basic services to senior citizens staying at home.


The plan urged efforts to help the elderly make medical treatment appointments by providing diversified channels and improving the way online appointments are made.


It also underscored the importance of retaining traditional financial service modes while making online consumption more convenient for this group.


To improve the competence of the elderly in terms of technology, measures will be taken to increase the supply of senior-friendly products, redesign internet applications, and enhance technology training for them.



这里的-friendly作为后缀,通常用在名词后面,表示“对...友好的”,比如:user-friendly interface(用户友好的界面)、environment-friendly(对环境友好的/环保的)。

方案提出,到2020年底前,集中力量推动各项传统服务兜底保障到位,抓紧出台实施一批解决老年人运用智能技术最迫切问题的有效措施(introduce a string of measures effectively addressing the most pressing problems of the elderly in using smart technologies),切实满足老年人基本生活需要。


移动应用 mobile applications

人口老龄化 population aging

老有所养 care for the elderly

保护老年人合法权益 protect the lawful rights and interests of senior citizens