英语听力汇总   |   《2020研究前沿》全球发布 中国在4个领域全球领先





《2020研究前沿》全球发布 中国在4个领域全球领先


China now ranks first in four major areas of scientific research in terms of academic activity and influence, trailing only the United States, which leads in seven, according to the report "Research Fronts 2020".



这里的trail用作动词,表示“lag behind”,即“落后于...”,比如:After a kilometer, I trailed the other runners.(一公里以后,我落后于其他跑者)。此外,这个词还有“跟踪、追踪;拖、拉”等意思,比如:The police are trailing the robbers.(警方正在追踪抢劫犯)。The dog's leash was trailing along the ground.(狗绳一直拖着地)。由此,trail用作名词的时候经常表示“踪迹、痕迹;小路”之类的意思,比如:a trail of blood(一滩血迹)、winding trail on the mountain(山上蜿蜒的小径)等。

《前沿报告》自2014年以来每年发布一次。《2020研究前沿》报告首次将以往的数学、计算机科学与工程学领域拆分成数学和信息科学两个领域,遴选展示了在农业科学(agricultural sciences)、植物学(botany)和动物学(zoology),生态与环境科学(ecological and environmental sciences),地球科学(geoscience),临床医学(clinical medicine),生物科学(bioscience),化学与材料科学( chemistry & materials science),物理学(physics),天文学(astronomy)与天体物理学(astrophysics),数学(mathematics),信息科学(information science),经济学(economics)、心理学(psychology)及其他社会科学(social sciences)等11个大科学领域(11 broad research categories)的110个热点前沿(110 prominent frontier research topics)和38个新兴前沿(38 emerging subjects)。


This year, China leads the world in four major research categories: agricultural sciences, botany and zoology; chemistry and materials science; mathematics and information science. China also ranks second in ecology and environmental sciences; physics; social sciences including economics and psychology.


However, China is notably behind other scientific powerhouses in clinical medicine and astronomy and astrophysics, ranking at 12th and 8th, respectively.



世界科技前沿 global science frontiers

基础研究 basic research

科技创新能力 sci-tech innovation capability

推动重要领域关键核心技术攻关 advance research on core technologies in important areas