英语听力汇总   |   第七次全国人口普查启动 多项技术保护公民隐私





第七次全国人口普查启动 多项技术保护公民隐私


China on Sunday started its seventh national census, with about 7 million census takers going door to door to document demographic changes. The census collects data including the name, ID number, gender, marital status, education, and profession of Chinese citizens.



全国人口普查(national census)是指在国家统一规定的时间内(within a defined period),按照统一的方法、统一的项目、统一的调查表和统一的标准时点(using the same method, categories and survey forms at a set time),对全国人口普遍地、逐户逐人地进行的一次性调查登记。

普查对象是普查标准时点在中华人民共和国境内的自然人(the natural persons living within the territory of the People's Republic of China on the standard time point of census)以及在中华人民共和国境外但未定居的中国公民(the Chinese citizens who are outside the territory of the People's Republic of China but have not become permanent residents of the other country),不包括在中华人民共和国境内短期停留的境外人员(foreigners who are making a short-term stay within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall be excluded)。


When census takers knock on your door, you can answer the questions by registering the information directly on the smart devices. Or,the census taker will offer you an account number and a QR code so that you can register your information within a certain time.




All information collected is filled in through the internet and is directly uploaded to the national database in real-time, eliminating possible human interference.


Both the mobile end and the server end have adopted highly strict data encryption and desensitization technology so that personal information cannot be hacked or disclosed during the process of data transmission.



常住人口 population of long-term residents/permanent residents population

户籍人口 household registered population

现有人口 current population

积分落户制 points-based household registration system

居住证 residential permit

流动人口 migrant population