英语听力汇总   |   《住房租赁条例(征求意见稿)》针对租金贷等问题作出规定







The draft regulation is designed to protect the lawful interests of tenants and landlords. One of its provisions says the interior decoration of apartments should meet national standards and not pose a risk to tenants' health.



这里的pose a risk to就是“危及...”,我们也可以用put someone/something at risk或者endanger someone/something来替换,比如上文中的pose a risk to tenants' health就可以替换成put tenants' health at risk/endanger tenants' health。


Landlords should not rent kitchens, bathrooms, balconies or basements for tenants to live in, and landlords should show their ID and real estate ownership certificates to tenants before a lease is signed. Tenants should also show their ID to landlords.


Landlords who collect deposits from tenants should include the amount and its time of refund in contracts.


Landlords should not enter a rented apartment without the tenant's consent, the draft says.


Landlords should also take on the responsibility of apartment maintenance unless they have agreed otherwise with tenants.


Tenants should abide by laws and regulations and not damage or dismantle fire safety facilities or make alterations to apartments' load-bearing structures, it says.


The lease between tenant and landlord should be registered in the online real estate rental system.



这里的lease本身就有“租约”的意思,因此没必要在后面加contract或agreement等表示“协议、合同”的词,比如:We signed a three-year lease when we moved into the house.(我们搬进这个房子的时候签了三年的租约)。The lease runs out/expires in two years' time.(租约两年后到期)。另外,lease也可以用作动词或名词,表示“租赁(车、房子等)”,比如我们在影视剧中经常看到房子打算出租以后就会在外面立一个牌子,上面写着“For Lease”就是表示“此房出租”,如果写的是“For Sale”就是(此房出售)。用作动词的时候后面可以直接跟租赁的对象,比如:It was agreed they would lease the apartment to him/lease him the apartment.(他们同意把房子租给他)。

Real estate agents should not coax or force tenants into applying for loans to pay rents by offering rent discounts or other measures, and they must not include any mention of such loans in leases.


Commercial banks that grant such loans should make sure the length of maturity does not exceed the duration of the lease, the draft regulation says.



pay rent 支付房租

lease deposit 租房押金

refundable deposit 押金可退还

arrange a viewing 安排看房

lease term 租约期限