英语听力汇总   |   上海试点 “宿舍型”公租房





上海试点 “宿舍型”公租房


Dormitory-style housing will be provided for migrant workers in Shanghai by the end of this year, according to Wang Zhen, director of the Shanghai Housing Administration Bureau.



宿舍型公租房的英语表达就是dormitory-style public rental housing,是将普通公租房拆套后提供合租(flatsharing)的房源,目的是解决环卫工人、公交司机、家政服务人员、快递小哥等基础服务行业人群的住房问题。

At least one public rental housing neighborhood in each district will provide dormitory-style accommodations for a minimum of 200 migrant workers in this pilot project, according to Wang Zhen.


Some 177,000 apartments have been provided in the public rental housing neighborhoods throughout Shanghai, with nearly 627,000 individuals and families benefiting from the service by the end of May.


It is estimated that at least 5,000 migrant workers who work in these key public service areas will be accommodated in this housing by the end of the year, a rise of more than 60 percent from the previous year.


上海市房管局还鼓励用人单位尽责,通过补贴部分租金(pay part of employees' public rental housing bills)等方式,进一步减轻入住职工租金负担。


廉租房 low-rent housing

限价房 price-capped housing

经济适用房 affordable housing

保障性住房 indemnificatory housing

商品房 commercial residential building

去库存 reduce housing inventories

住房公积金 housing fund

棚户区 shanty towns

住房信息系统 housing information system