英语听力汇总   |   专家解读:唐山5.1级地震地震属1976年地震余震







The 5.1 magnitude quake struck at a depth of 10 kilometers, the Ministry of Emergency Management said. The Guye district is about 170 km southeast of Beijing and around 130 km northeast of Tianjin. No casualties or serious damage were reported as of Sunday night after the quake, Tangshan's publicity department said.



地震的强度(magnitude)一般按照里氏震级(Richter Scale)划分,它是将震级范围从1到10的一种对数标度,用以表现地震放出的能量总数,是根据美国地震学家Charles Francis Richter 命名的。在英文报道中,“X级地震”常用X on the Richter Scale、magnitude-X earthquake或者上文中出现的 a X magnitude earthquake/quake表示,比如:The tremor was placed at 5.6 on the Richter scale.(地震的震级被测定为里氏5.6级。)A powerful magnitude-7.6 earthquake struck off the Solomon Islands on Monday.(周一,所罗门群岛发生了里氏7.6级地震。)

该地震造成河北唐山市中心震感强烈,天津、河北承德震感明显,北京、河北廊坊、沧州等地有震感(feel the tremor)。


The 5.1 magnitude quake on Sunday was an aftershock of the 1976 one, and another quake of more than 5 magnitude was unlikely to occur in the area in the short term.


He said the epicenter of Sunday's quake was 28 km from the epicenter of the 1976 quake, well within the aftershock zone, and was considered a normal fluctuation.


The energy accumulation of Tangshan's earthquake in 1976 took thousands of years, so it's a normal phenomenon that the aftershocks of the quake can last for dozens of years. The frequency and magnitude of aftershocks of earthquakes will decrease with time.



浅源地震 shallow earthquake

破坏性地震 destructive earthquake

震中 epicenter

地震波 seismic wave

地震预报 earthquake prediction

震级 earthquake magnitude

余震 aftershock

地震次生灾害 seismic secondary disaster